September 3, 2024

News & jobs

देश विदेश के हिंदी समाचारों सहित नोकरी Jobs देखें।

Application for Physician Positions at HAL Recruitment 2023 via

Physician Position Job Opportunities at HAL Vacancy 2024

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Recruitment 2024: Explore the Newest Employment Opportunity for Physician Positions: Dear Friends, According to the Official Notification From HAL, There is an Open Position for Senior Medical Officer. If You Meet the Eligibility Criteria, You Can Submit Your Application Through an Offline Form for the Physician Post. Prior to Applying, It’s Essential to Download the Official Notification and the Offline Application Form. Applicants Must Thoroughly Review the Official Notification, Complete the Offline Form Accurately, and Dispatch It to the Specified Venue/address Before the Deadline, Which is 15/12/2023.

To Obtain Comprehensive Information About the Most Recent Job Opportunities in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited for the Year 2024, Individuals Are Encouraged to Thoroughly Peruse This Article. This Resource Provides Insights Into the Sarkari Naukri Offline Form 2024 in HAL Until the Very End. Pertinent Details About Sarkari Jobs 2024 in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Including Age Requirements for the Physician Position, Qualifications, Experience, Application Procedures, and the Selection Process, Along With Important Dates, Are Presented Below for Candidates’ Reference.

Information Regarding Job Opening for Physician

Company/Department Name HAL
Position Title Physician
Salary INR 5000.00-160000.00 Monthly
Location Kanpur, UP
Closing Date 15/12/2023
Official Website

Physician Details Job Description

िहदं èतान ु एयरोनॉिटक्स िलिमटेड – पिरवहन वायु
यान प्रभाग, कानपुर मɅविरçठ िचिक×सा
अिधकारी (िफिजिशयन) ग्रेड III की भतीर्
िहदं èतान ु एयरोनॉिटक्स िलिमटेड (एचएएल) एिशया का एक प्रमखु एयरोनॉिटकल कॉàÜलेक्स
है, जो वायु
यान, हेलीकॉÜटर, एरो-इंजन, सहायक उपकरण, एिवयोिनक्स और िसèटम के िडजाइन,
उ×पादन, मरàमत, ओवरहाल और अपग्रेड का कायर् करके देश के ‘मेक इन इंिडया’ सपने को साकार
कर रहा है। एचएएल के 20 उ×पादन प्रभाग, 10 अनसु ंधान एवं िवकास कɅद्र और एक सिवधा
ु प्रबंधन
प्रभाग हɇ, जो भारत के सात राÏयɉ और नौ भौगोिलक èथानɉ मɅ फैले हु
ए हɇ / Hindustan
Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is a premier Aeronautical Complex in Asia, propelling the ‘Make
in India’ dream of the country by undertaking design, production, repair, overhaul and
upgrade of Aircraft, Helicopters, Aero-engines, Accessories, Avionics and Systems. HAL
has 20 Production Divisions, 10 R&D Centres and one Facilities Management Division,
spread across seven States and nine Geographical locations in India.
एचएएल पिरवहन वायु
यान प्रभाग (टीएडी) उ×तर प्रदेश के कानपु
र शहर मɅ िèथत वतमान र् मɅ 19
सीटर मãटी-रोल यूिटिलटी िवमान Do- 228 के िनमार्ण और ओवरहाल के अलावा अÛय पिरवहन,
ट्रेनर वाययानɉ
ु की मरàमत और ओवरहाल का कायर् करती हɇ / Transport Aircraft Division
(TAD) of HAL located in Kanpur City of Uttar Pradesh is currently engaged in
manufacturing and overhaul of Do- 228, a 19 seater multi-role utility aircraft, in addition
to, repair and overhaul of other transport, trainer aircrafts.
एचएएल-टीएडी, कानपु
र मɅ िनàनिलिखत पद के िलए पात्र उàमीदवारɉ से िनधार्िरत प्रोफामार् (अनु
बंधए) मɅ आवेदन आमित्रत ं िकए जाते हɇ / Applications are invited from eligible candidates, in the
prescribed proforma (Annexure-A), for the following post at HAL- TAD, Kanpur:
पद का नाम
Name of the Post
िरिक्तयɉ और आरक्षण
की संख्या
No. of Vacancies
& Reservation
शैिक्षक योग्यता और योग्यता के बाद का अनु
Educational Qualification & Postqualification Experience
विरçठ िचिक×सा
Senior Medical
Officer (Physician)
आर: अनारिक्षत
UR: Unreserved
एमबीबीएस और अहता र् – उपरांत न्यनतम दो वष ू का र्
अनभवु (अथवा) एमबीबीएस + पीजी (एमडी
जनरल मिडिसन) अन े भव क ु े साथ/ अनभव क ु े िबना
MBBS with minimum 02 years of postqualification experience (OR) MBBS + PG
(MD General Medicine) with/without
िहदं èतान ु एयरोनॉिटक्स िलिमटेड
(रक्षा मंत्रालय केअधीन भारत सरकार का उपक्रम)
पिरवहन वायु
यान प्रभाग, कानपुर – 208008, भारत
टेलीफोन नंबर: 0512-2451749-58, फैक्स: 0512-2450085, 2450505
नोट/ Note:
(i) पद के िलए आवदने करने वाले अजा/अजजा/अिपव/ईडÞãयू
एस Įेणी के उàमीदवारɉ का मू
ãयांकन अÛय
उàमीदवारɉ के समान िकया जाएगा/ Candidates from SC / ST/ OBC / EWS Category
applying for the post will be assessed at par with UR candidates.
(ii) योग्यता मेिडकल काउंिसल ऑफ इंिडया (एमसीआई) ɮवारा माÛयता प्राÜत होनी चािहए। उàमीदवारɉ को
मेिडकल काउंिसल ऑफ इंिडया अिधिनयम के तहत िकसी भी राÏय मेिडकल काउंिसल के साथ पंजीकृत
होना चािहए/ Qualification should be recognized by Medical Council of India (MCI).
Candidates should be registered with any State Medical Council under Medical
Council of India Act.
(iii) यिद उàमीदवार िकसी पीएसयू
/सरकारी/अध-र् सरकारी संगठन मɅ योग्यता के बाद के अनु
भव का दावा
करता है, तो वह त×काल िनचले या समकक्ष ग्रेड/पद पर होना चािहए/ If the candidate claims
post- qualification experience in any PSU/Govt/Semi-Govt organization, the same
should be in the immediate lower or equivalent Grade/Post.
(iv) योग्यता के बाद के अनु
भव के वषɟ की गणना 30.09.2023 को की जाएगी/ Years of postqualification experience will be counted as on 30.09.2023.
(v) अपेिक्षत åयावसाियक योग्यता प्राÜत करने के बाद प्राÜत अनु
भव को केवल पोèट प्रोफेशनल योग्यता
भव (पीपीक्यू
ई) की गणना के प्रयोजन के िलए िगना जाएगा। अपेिक्षत åयावसाियक योग्यता िडग्री
प्राÜत करने से पहले के अनु
भव को पीपीक्यू
ई की गणना के िलए शािमल नहीं िकया जाएगा/
Experience gained after acquiring the requisite Professional Qualification will
only be reckoned for the purpose of calculation of Post Professional
Qualification Experience (PPQE). Experience prior to acquiring the requisite
Professional Qualification Degree will not be reckoned for calculation of PPQE.
बीडी की उपयु
प्रथम Ǻçटया उपयु
क्त के Ǿप मɅ पहचाने गए पीडÞãयू
बीडी के िलए बɅचमाकर् िवकलांगताओं की Įेिणयां
शारीिरक अपेक्षाओं के साथ नीचे उिãलिखत हɇ/ The categories of Benchmark Disabilities i.r.o.
PwBDs identified as prima facie suitable are mentioned below along with Physical
पद का नाम
Name of the Post
पद के िलए उपयक्तु िवकलांगɉ की Įेिणयाँ
Categories of disabled suitable for
the Post
विरçठ िचिक×सा अिधकारी (िफजीिशयन)
Senior Medical Officer
ओएल, एसडीडी/एसआईडी, एसडी/एसआई
नोट/ Noteयɮयिप उपयु
क्तर् पद प्रकृित मɅ अनारिक्षत है, पीडबãयू
बीडी उàमीदवार पद के िलए आवदने करने के पात्र हɇ
और कंपनी के िनयमɉ के तहत लाभ के िलए èवीकायर् हɉगे, बशतȶ प्रासंिगक िवकलांगता की िडग्री 40% से
कम न हो/ Though the above mentioned Post is UR in nature, PwBD Candidates are eligible
to apply against the Post and will be permissible for the benefits under the Company
rules, provided the degree of relevant disability is not less than 40%.
क्त संिक्षÜताक्षर/ Abbreviations used:
ओएल = एक परै प्रभािवत (दायाँया बायाँ),
एसडीडी/एसआईडी = रीढ़ की हɬडी मɅ िवकृित/रीढ़ की हɬडी मɅ चोट के साथ संबंिधत Ûयू
संबंधी िशिथलता के साथ लोकोमोटर िवकलांगता।
एसडी/एसआई = रीढ़ की हɬडी मɅ िवकृित/रीढ़ की हɬडी मɅ चोट, िबना िकसी Ûयू
रोलॉिजकल/अंग िशिथलता के।
OL=One Leg Affected (Right or Left),
SDD/SID = Spinal Deformity / Spinal Injury with associated neurological / limb
dysfunction of respective locomotors disability.
SD/SI = Spinal Deformity / Spinal Injury without any associated neurological / limb
ईडÞãयएसू (आिथकर् Ǿप से कमजोर वग)र्/ EWS (ECONOMICALLY WEAKER SECTION)
जो उàमीदवार अजा/ अजजा/अिपव – नॉन क्रीमी लेयर (एनसीएल) के िलए आरक्षण की योजना के अंतगतर्
नहीं आते हɇऔर िजनकी पािरवािरक सकल वािषकर् आय 8,00,000/- ǽपये (आठ लाख ǽपये) से कम है,
उÛहɅ आिथकर् Ǿप से कमजोर वग ( र् ईडÞãयू
एस) के Ǿप मɅ पहचाना जाएगा। आय मɅ आवेदन के वषर् से पहले
िव×तीय वष 2022-23 र् के िलए सभी İोतɉ अथार्त्वेतन, कृिष, åयवसाय, पेशे आिद से आय शािमल होगी।
Candidates who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SC/ST/OBC-Non
Creamy Layer (NCL) and whose family gross annual income is below Rs 8,00,000/-
(Rupees Eight lakh) are to be identified as Economically Weaker Section (EWS). The
income shall include income from all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession
etc. for the financial year 2022-23 prior to the year of application.
उपरोक्त Įेणी से संबंिधत उàमीदवारɉ को दèतावेज़ स×यापन की ितिथ पर अनु
बंध-ई के अनु
सार सक्षम
प्रािधकारी ɮवारा जारी वधै आय और संपि×त प्रमाण पत्र प्रèतु
त करना होगा। आय और संपि×त प्रमाणपत्र
िव×तीय वषर् 2023-24 के िलए वैध होगा और िव×तीय वषर् 2022-23 के िलए आय और संपि×त स×यापन के
आधार पर तैयार िकया जाएगा।
The candidates belonging to the above category must produce valid Income and Asset
Certificate issued by Competent Authority as per Annexure-E as on date of document
verification. The Income and Assets Certificate shall be valid for the financial year 2023-24
and shall be prepared on the basis of Income and Assets Verification for the Financial year
नोट: ईडÞãयू
एस Įेणी के उàमीदवारɉ का मू
ãयांकन अनारिक्षत उàमीदवारɉ के समान होगा।
Note: The assessment of EWS Category candidates will be at par with UR candidates.
उàमीदवार को चािहए/ The candidate should-
(i) सामाÛय ओपीडी/वाड/र् आपातकालीन मामलɉ को èवतंत्र Ǿप से प्रबिधत ं करɅ (टाउनिशप अèपताल और
फैक्ट्री िडèपɅसरी दोनɉ मɅ अलग-अलग िशÝट मɅ) और ईसीजी, कàÜयू
टरीकृत तनाव परीक्षण
इकोकािडयोग्राफी र् , आिद की åयाख्या से अÍछी तरह पिरिचत होना चािहए/ Manage general OPD/
Wards/ Emergency cases independently (both in Township Hospital & Factory
Dispensary in different shifts) and should be well conversant with interpretation of
ECG, Computerized Stress Test Echocardiography, etc;
(ii) िविभÛन बीमािरयɉ से पीिड़त प्रभाग के कमचािरयɉ र् और उनके आिĮत पिरवार के सदèयɉ के संबधं मɅ
िचिक×सा परीक्षण, िनदान करना और उपचार प्रदान करना/ Carry out medical examination,
diagnosis and provide treatment in respect of Division’s employees and their
dependent family members suffering from various ailments;
(iii) सामाÛय िचिक×सा दावɉ एवं अÛय िबलɉ का भु
गतान करने मɅ सक्षम/ Able to clear General
Medical Claims & other bills;
(iv) टाउनिशप अèपताल और फैक्ट्री िडèपɅसरी मɅ सामाÛय और आपातकालीन रोिगयɉ का प्रबंधन करने के
साथ-साथ िविभÛन गितिविधयɉ जैसे èटाफ की उपिèथित, फामȶसी काय, र् प्राथिमक िचिक×सा काउंटर
आिद को अलग-अलग िशÝटɉ मɅ प्रबंिधत करना/Manage general and emergency patients at
Township Hospital & Factory Dispensary along with management of various activities
i.e. staff attendance, pharmacy work, first aid counter etc in different shifts;
(v) टाउनिशप अèपताल एवं फैक्ट्री िडèपɅसरी सू
ची के रखरखाव और कमचािरयɉ र् के प्रिशक्षण का प्रबंधन
करना/ Manage upkeep of Township Hospital & Factory Dispensary inventory and
training of staff;
(vi) काम पर विरçठɉ की सहायता करɅ/ Assist seniors at work;
(vii) पैनलबद्ध अèपतालɉ और पैथोलॉजी लैÞस/रेिडयोलॉजी कɅद्रɉ आिद के साथ संपकर् करना/ Liaise with
empaneled Hospitals & Pathology Labs/ Radiology Centers etc;
(viii) मेिडको-कानू
नी औपचािरकताओं से अÍछी तरह वािकफ हɉ और/ Be well versed with MedicoLegal formalities &
(ix) िचिक×सा िवभाग के प्रमु
ख आिद ɮवारा आविटत ं िकसी अÛय प्रशासिनक उ×तरदािय×व का िनवहनर्
करना/ Discharge any other administrative responsibility allotted by Head of Medical
Department etc.
नोट/ Noteकतåयɉ र् /िजàमेदािरयɉ की उपरोक्त सू
ची केवल उदाहरणा×मक हैऔर इसिलए कायर् का दायरा िभÛन हो सकता
है/ The above list of duties/ responsibilities is only illustrative and the scope of work may
therefore, vary.
आयुसीमा एवं छूट/ AGE LIMIT & RELAXATION

अनारिक्षत Įेणी के उàमीदवारɉ के िलए ऊपरी आयुसीमा 30.09.2023 तक 45 वषर् है/ Upper age limit
for UR category candidates is 45 years as on 30.09.2023.
(i) चूंिक अिधसूिचत पद/िरिक्तयां अनारिक्षत (यू
आर) हɇ, इसिलए अजा/अजजा/अिपव Įेणी के उàमीदवार को
ऊपरी आयुसीमा मɅ कोई छूट नहीं दी जाएगी/ As the post / vacancy notified is Unreserved
(UR), No relaxation in the Upper Age limit is allowed to the candidate belonging to
SC/ST/OBC Category.
(ii) पीडबãयू
डी/ शारीिरक Ǿप से िवकलांग (पीएच) उàमीदवारɉ के िलए ऊपरी आयुसीमा मɅ 10 वषर् की छूट
है। आयुसीमा मɅ छूट ओएल, एसडीडी/एसआईडी, एसडी/एसआई के िलए लागूहैउàमीदवार इस तØय
की परवाह िकए िबना िक पद आरिक्षत है या नहीं, बशतȶ िक पद उक्त Įेणी के िलए पहचाना गया
क्त पाया गया हो। इस उप-पैरा के तहत आयुमɅ छूट का दावा करने वाले åयिक्तयɉ को अपने
दावɉ के समथनर् मɅ िनधार्िरत प्रोफामार् (अनु
बंध-डी1, डी2, डी3, जो लागूहो) मɅ एक प्रमाण पत्र प्रèतु

करना होगा, िजसमɅ èपçट Ǿप से दशार्या गया हो िक शारीिरक िवकलांगता की िडग्री 40% या अिधक
है/ Upper age limit is relaxable by 10 years for PwBDs/ Physically Handicapped (PH)
candidates. Relaxation of age limit is applicable for OL, SDD/SID, SD/SI candidates
irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved or not, provided the post is
identified/ suitable for the said category. The persons claiming age relaxation under
this sub- para would be required to produce a Certificate in prescribed proforma
(Annexure-D1, D2, D3 as applicable) in support of their claims clearly indicating
that the degree of physical disability is 40% or more.
(iii) 05 वषर् की ऊपरी आयुसीमा मɅ छूट उन सभी उàमीदवारɉ के िलए èवीकायर् होगी जो 01.01.1980 से
31.12.1989 की अविध के दौरान सामाÛय Ǿप से जàमूऔर कæमीर राÏय के िनवासी थे। इस उपपैरा के तहत छूट का दावा करने वाले åयिक्तयɉ को उस िजला मिजèट्रेट से, िजसके अिधकार क्षेत्र मɅ वे
आमतौर पर रहते थे या जàमू-कæमीर सरकार ɮवारा इस संबंध मɅ नािमत िकसी अÛय प्रािधकारी से
इस आशय का प्रमाण पत्र प्रèतु
त करना आवæयक होगा/ Relaxation in the upper age limit of
05 years shall be admissible to all candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in
the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989.
The persons claiming relaxation under this sub- para would be required to produce a
Certificate to this effect from the District Magistrate within whose jurisdiction they
had ordinarily resided or from any other authority designated in this behalf by the
Government of Jammu & Kashmir.
(iv) भू
वर् सैिनकɉ (एक्सएसएम) के िलए ऊपरी आयुसीमा मɅ छूट भारत सरकार के िदशािनदȶशɉ के अनु
लागूहोगी/ Relaxation in upper age limit for Ex- Servicemen (XSM) will be applicable as
per GoI guidelines.
(v) पीडबãयू
डी उàमीदवारɉ के िलए, सभी छूटɉ के साथ ऊपरी आयुसीमा 56 वषर् से अिधक नहीं होगी/ For
PwBDs candidates, the upper age limit with all relaxations shall not exceed 56 years.
चयन प्रिक्रया/ SELECTION PROCESS
(i) उपयु
क्तर् पद पर चयन केवल åयिक्तगत साक्षा×कार के माÚयम से होगा/ The selection to the
above mentioned post will be by way of Personal Interview only.
(ii) मू
ãयांकन उàमीदवार की शैिक्षक योग्यता, प्रासंिगक योग्यता के बाद के अनु
भव के वषɟ की संख्या, जॉब
ज्ञान, सामाÛय ज्ञान और åयिक्त×व आिद को उिचत मह×व देकर िकया जाएगा। योग्यता के प्र×येक
अितिरक्त चरण और प्रासंिगक िवशेषज्ञता मɅ योग्यता के बाद का अनु
भव के अितिरक्त वषर् के िलए
अितिरक्त अंक िदए जाएंगे/ Assessment will be done by giving due weightage to
candidate’s educational qualification, number of years of relevant post- qualification
experience, job knowledge, general knowledge and personality etc. Extra marks will
be given for every additional stage of qualification and additional year(s) of postqualification experience in relevant specialization.
(iii) उàमीदवारɉ सेप्राÜत आवदनɉ े की जांच अिनवायर्शैक्षिणक योग्यता, आयु, Įेणी, योग्यता के बाद के अनु
भव के
वषɟ आिद जैसेÛयू
नतम पात्रता मानदंडɉ के आधार पर की जाएगी। इसके बाद, योग्य उàमीदवारɉ को प्रासंिगक
योग्यता के बाद के अनु
भव के वषɟ की संख्या के आधार पर शॉटर्िलèट िकया जाएगा और उÛहɅ कंपनी के
िनयमɉ के अनु
सार िनधार्िरत अनु
पात मɅ åयिक्तगत साक्षा×कार के िलए बु
लाया जाएगा/ Applications
received from the candidates will be scrutinized based on the minimum eligibility
criteria like essential educational qualifications, age, category, years of postqualification experience etc. Thereafter, the eligible candidates will be shortlisted
based on the number of years of relevant post- qualification experience and they only
will be called for Personal Interview in a prescribed ratio, as per the Company rules.

(iv) इस िवèततृ िवज्ञापन के संबधं मɅ सभी अपडटे कंपनी की वेबसाइट, (होम पेज-
किरयर) पर होèट िकए जाएगं े/ All updates in respect of this detailed advertisement will
be hosted on Company’s website, (Home Page- Careers).
(v) संपू
णर् चयन प्रिक्रया कंपनी के मौजू
दा भतीर् िनयमɉ ɮवारा अिभशािसत होगी/ The entire selection
process will be governed by the extant Recruitment Rules of the Company.
वेतनमान का èकैल(2017 èकैल) #
Scale of Pay (2017 Scale) #
कैफेटेिरया प्रणाली के तहत मू
ल वेतन चलाने
मɅ भ×ते और भ×तɉ का प्रितशत
Percentage of Perks & Allowances in
running Basic Pay under Cafeteria
1 III ǽ./ Rs. 50000 – 160000 35%
# वािषकर् वेतन विद्धृ वतमान र् मɅ चालूमू
ल वतने का 3% है।
# Annual Increment is presently 3% of running Basic pay.
(i) चयन होने पर, उàमीदवारɉ को ऊपर बताए अनु
सार वेतनमान मɅ िनयु
क्त िकया जाएगा। मू
ल वेतन के
अलावा, उàमीदवार कंपनी के िनयमɉ के अनु
सार पिरवतनीय र् महंगाई भ×ता, िकराया मु
क्त आवास/ मकान
िकराया भ×ता, भिवçय िनिध, ग्रेÍयु
टी और प्रदशनर् संबिधत ं वेतन (पीआरपी), गैर अßयास भ×ता (एनपीए) आिद
के िलए पात्र हɉगे। उàमीदवार ऊपर बताए अनु
सार कैफेटेिरया प्रणाली के तहत अनु
लाभ और भ×ते के िलए भी
पात्र हɉगे/ On selection, candidates will be appointed in the Scale of Pay as indicated above.
Besides Basic Pay, candidates will be eligible for Variable Dearness Allowance, Rent Free
Accommodation / House Rent Allowance, Provident Fund, Gratuity & Performance Related
Pay (PRP), Non Practicing Allowance (NPA) etc. as per Rules of the Company. Candidates
will also be eligible for Perquisites and Allowances under the Cafeteria System as indicated
(ii) उपलÞध कराए जाने पर डॉक्टरɉ के िलए कंपनी आवास मɅ रहना अिनवायर् है। मकान िकराया भ×ता
केवल उन मामलɉ मɅ देय होगा जहां कंपनी आवास प्रदान नहीं िकया गया है/ It is mandatory for
Doctors to stay in Company Accommodation when provided. House Rent Allowance will be
payable only in cases where Company Accommodation is not provided.
(i) केवल भारतीय नागिरक ही आवदने करने के पात्र हɇ/ Only Indian Nationals are eligible to
(ii) शैिक्षक योग्यता और योग्यता के बाद का अनु
भव उàमीदवार ɮवारा 1 अक्टूबर 2023 तक
अिजतर् /पास होना चािहए। अंितम सेमेèटर/ वषर् की माकर्शीट मɅ दशार्ई गई पिरणामɉ की घोषणा की
तारीख को शैिक्षक योग्यता प्राÜत करने की तारीख माना जाएगा/ Educational Qualification &
Post Qualification Experience should have been acquired/ possessed by the
candidate as on 1st Oct 2023. The date of declaration of results indicated in the
mark sheet of the Final Semester/ Year will be considered as the date of acquisition
of Educational Qualification.
(iii) केवल आवेदन जमा करने से एचएएल मɅ िनयुिक्त का दावा करने का अिधकार नहीं िमल जाएगा।
आवदने करने से पहले, उàमीदवारɉ को पद के िलए िनिदर्çट पात्रता मानदंड के बारे मɅ संतुçट होना
चािहए। कंपनी के मौजू
दा िनयमɉ के अनु
सार, यिद उàमीदवार इस पद के िलए अयोग्य पाया जाता है,
तो एचएएल भतीर् प्रिक्रया के िकसी भी चरण मɅ िकसी भी आवेदन को अèवीकार करने के िलए èवतंत्र
होगा/ Mere submission of Application will not entail right for claiming appointment
in HAL. Before applying, the candidates should satisfy themselves regarding the
eligibility criteria specified for the post. HAL would be free to reject any application
at any stage of recruitment process, if candidates are found ineligible for this post,
as per extant rules of the Company.
(iv) यिद आवæयकता पड़ी तो एचएएल िवज्ञािपत भितयɉ र् को िबना कोई नोिटस जारी िकए या कोई कारण
बताए प्रितबिधत ं /िवèतािरत/संशोिधत/पिरविततर् करने का अिधकार सु
रिक्षत रखता है। एचएएल के
पास åयिक्तगत साक्षा×कार के िलए बु
लाए जाने वाले उàमीदवारɉ की सख्या ं को सीिमत करने के िलए
पात्रता मानदंड बढ़ाने का भी अिधकार सु
रिक्षत है। एचएएल अपने िववेक से अिधसूिचत िरिक्तयɉ को
रƧ करने का अिधकार सु
रिक्षत रखता हैऔर ऐसा िनणयर् अंितम और सभी के िलए बाÚयकारी होगा।
अिधसूिचत िरिक्तयɉ को रƧ करने की िèथित मɅ, उàमीदवारɉ ɮवारा जमा िकया गया आवेदन शु
वापस नहीं िकया जाएगा/ HAL reserves the right to restrict/ enlarge/ modify/ alter the
requirements advertised, if need so arises, without issuing any further notice or
assigning any reason thereto. HAL also reserves the right to raise the eligibility
criteria to restrict the number of candidates to be called for Personal Interview. HAL
reserves the right to cancel the notified vacancies at its discretion and such
decision will be final and binding on all. In the event of cancellation of notified
vacancies, the Application Fees submitted by the candidates will not be refunded.
(v) िनयिमत पू
णकािलक र् पाɫयक्रमɉ के माÚयम से हािसल की गई मू
ल और योग्यता िडग्री रखने वाले
उàमीदवारɉ को शािमल िकया जाएगा। िनयिमत मोड के अलावा िकसी अÛय माÚयम से प्राÜत योग्यता
रखने वाले उàमीदवारɉ, िजनमɅ पत्राचार/दरèथ ू िशक्षा/अंशकािलक/ई-लिनगर्ं शािमल है, लेिकन इÛहीं
तक सीिमत नहीं है, को िनयिमत पू
णकािलक र् पाɫयक्रमɉ के बराबर नहीं माना जाएगा। ऐसी योग्यता
वाले आवेदक आवेदन करने के पात्र नहीं हɉगे/ Candidates possessing Basic and Qualifying
Degrees, acquired through Regular Full- Time courses will only be considered.
Candidates possessing qualifications acquired through any mode other than regular
mode including but not limited to Correspondence/ Distance Education/ Part
Time/ e- learning will not be equated with Regular Full Time courses. Applicant
with such qualifications shall not be eligible to apply.
(vi) अिनवायर् योग्यता मɅ अंकɉ का प्रितशत सभी सेमेèटर/वषɟ का कुल योग होगा, िजसकी गणना सभी
सेमेèटर/वषɟ का औसत लेते हु
ए की जाएगी, भले ही संèथान/िवæविवɮयालय ɮवारा िकसी िवशेष
सेमेèटर/वषर् को िकतना भी मह×व िदया गया हो। कोई राउंड-ऑफ नहीं िकया जाएगा/ The
percentage of marks in the essential qualification shall be aggregate of all
semesters/ years to be calculated taking average of all semesters/ years,
irrespective of the weightage given to any particular semester/ year by the
Institute/ University. No rounding- off will be done.
(vii) उàमीदवार को आवदने पत्र मɅ कुल अंक (सभी सेमेèटर/वषɟ को िमलाकर) िडÜलोमा/िडग्री आिद का
उãलेख करना होगा। कुल अंकɉ की गणना नीचे िदखाए अनु
सार की जाएगी है/ Candidate must
indicate the aggregate marks (of all semesters / years put together) Diploma /
Degree etc in the Application Form. Aggregate marks are to be calculated as shown
सभी सेमेèटर या वषɟ मɅ प्राÜत कुल अंक X 100
अिधकतम अकं (सभी सेमेèटर या वषɟ का कुल)
Total marks obtained in all semesters or years X 100
Maximum marks (cumulative of all semesters or years)
(viii) जहां भी िकसी िडग्री मɅ सीजीपीए/ओजीपीए या लेटर ग्रेड आिद प्रदान िकया जाता है, उसके समकक्ष
अंकɉ का प्रितशत आवेदन पत्र मɅ दशार्या जाना चािहए। उàमीदवारɉ को साक्षा×कार के समय
िवæविवɮयालय/संèथान से इस आशय का Ǿपांतरण प्रमाणपत्र प्रèतु
त करना अपेिक्षत है/ Wherever
CGPA/ OGPA or letter grade, etc in a degree is awarded, equivalent percentage of
marks should be indicated in the Application Form. Candidates are required to
submit a conversion Certificate to this effect from the University/ Institute at the
time of interview.
(ix) सभी योग्यताएं उपयु
क्त भारतीय वधािनक ै प्रािधकरणɉ ɮवारा माÛयता प्राÜत िवæविवɮयालयɉ/संèथानɉ
से प्राÜत की जानी चािहए/ All qualifications should have been acquired from
Universities/ Institutes recognized by appropriate Indian statutory authorities.
(x) अजा/अजजा/अिपव (एनसीएल)/ईडÞãयू
बीडी/एक्सएसएम Įेिणयɉ से संबंिधत उàमीदवारɉ
को िनधार्िरत प्रोफामार् मɅ सक्षम प्रािधकारी ɮवारा जारी जाित प्रमाण पत्र/आय और संपि×त प्रमाण
पत्र/िवकलांगता प्रमाण पत्र/िडèचाजर् प्रमाण पत्र, जैसा लागू हो, की प्रितयां अपने दावे के समथनर् मɅ
आवदने के साथ जमा करना अपेिक्षत है (जैसा लागूहो अनु
बंध बी, सी, डी1, डी2, डी3 एवं ई देखɅ)/
Candidates belonging to SC/ST/ OBC (NCL)/ EWS/ PwBDs/ XSM categories are
required to submit copies of Caste Certificates/ Income & Asset Certificate/
Disability Certificate/ Discharge Certificate, as applicable, issued by the Competent
Authority in the prescribed proformas (refer Annexure B, C, D1, D2, D3 & E as
applicable), along with the Application, in support of their claim.
(xi) कɅद्र/राÏय सरकार के िवभागɉ, पीएसयू आिद मɅ कायरतर् उàमीदवारɉ (संिवदा आधार पर लगे
उàमीदवारɉ सिहत) को åयिक्तगत साक्षा×कार के समय दèतावेज़ स×यापन के दौरान िनयोक्ता से
अनापि×त प्रमाण पत्र (एनओसी) प्रèतु
त करना अपेिक्षत होगा, ऐसा न करनेपर उनकी उàमीदवारी रƧ
कर दी जाएगी और उÛहɅ åयिक्तगत साक्षा×कार के िलए अनु
मित नहीं दी जाएगी। ऐसे मामलɉ मɅ वे
यात्रा भ×ते के पात्र नहीं हɉगे/ Candidates employed in Central/ State Government
Departments, PSU etc (including candidates engaged on Contract basis) shall be
required to produce NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE (NOC) from the employer,
during Document Verification to be carried out at the time of Personal Interview,
failing which, their candidature will be cancelled and they will not be allowed for the
Personal Interview. They will not be eligible for Traveling Allowance in such cases.
(xii) साक्षा×कार के िलए उपिèथत होने वाले उàमीदवारɉ को कंपनी के िनयमɉ के अनु
सार यात्रा का प्रमाण
त करने पर, सबसे छोटे मागर् से संपकर्/मेल पते से III िटयर ए/सी (3ए) ट्रेन िकराया/पात्र बस
िकराया की प्रितपूितर् की जाएगी/ Candidates appearing for Interview will be reimbursed III
Tier A/C (3A) train fare/ eligible Bus fare from the contact/ mailing address by
shortest route, on production of proof of journey as per Company rules.
(xiii) अनु
भव/ Experience:
क. िनजी क्षेत्र के संगठनɉ मɅ कायर् अनु
भव रखने वाले आवेदकɉ को कंपनी के लेटर हेड मɅ अनु
प्रमाण पत्र जमा करना आवæयक है। कंपनी के लेटर हेड मɅ कंपनी के िववरण होने चािहए/
Applicants having work experience in Private Sector Organizations are required
to submit an Experience Certificate in the Letter Head of the Company. The
Letter Head of the Company should have details of the Company.
ख. संबंिधत पीएसयू
/कɅद्रीय/राÏय/िनजी संगठनɉ के कायकारी र् संवगर् मɅ उàमीदवारɉ के पास मौजू

भव को ही पात्र माना जाएगा/ The experience possessed by candidates in the
executive cadre of the concerned PSU/ Central/ State/ Private Organizations
only will be considered eligible.
ग. यिद उàमीदवार पीएसयू
/सरकारी/अध-र् सरकारी मɅ योग्यता के बाद के अनु
भव का दावा करते हɇ, तो
उनके पास ऊपर िनधार्िरत अनु
सार त×काल िनचले ग्रेड/वेतनमान या समकक्ष पद पर िनधार्िरत
नतम वषɟ का अनु
भव होना चािहए/ If the candidates claim post- qualification
experience in PSUs/ Govt/ Semi-Government, they should possess prescribed
minimum number of years of experience in the immediate lower Grade / Scale of
pay or in the equivalent post as stipulated above.
घ. उिचत अनु
भव प्रमाण पत्र के अभाव मɅ, उàमीदवारɉ को Ïवाइिनगं लेटर और िरलीिवगं ऑडरर्
संलग्न करना होगा। सेवारत कमचािरयɉ र् के मामले मɅ, िरलीिवगं ऑडरर् के èथान पर नवीनतम
वेतन प्रमाणपत्र/वेतन पचीर् भेजी जा सकती है/ In the absence of proper experience
certificates, candidates shall be required to attach Joining Letter and Relieving
Order. In case of serving employees, latest Salary Certificate/ Pay Slip may be
sent in place of Relieving Order.
(xiv) संिवदा अनु
भव/ Contract Experience:
क) संबंिधत पीएसयू
/कɅद्र/राÏय सरकारɉ ɮवारा सीधे संिवदा आधार पर िनयु
क्त उàमीदवारɉ के पास
द अनु
भव को चयन के उƧेæय से अनु
भव माना जाएगा। उस िèथित मɅ, ऐसे सावजिनक र्
उपक्रमɉ/कɅद्र/राÏय सरकारɉ आिद से अनु
भव प्रमाण पत्र प्रèतु
त िकया जाना है, जो संिवदा पर
िनयुिक्त को दशार्ता है। जहां तक अनापि×त प्रमाणपत्र का संबंध है, इसे संिवदा पर िनयुिक्त के
िनयमɉ और शतɟ एवं संबिधत ं संगठन मɅ ऐसे संिवदा पर िनयुिक्त के िलए लागूिनयमɉ के अनु
होना चािहए। ऐसे अनु
भव वाले उàमीदवारɉ को साक्षा×कार के समय िनयुिक्त आदेश प्रèतु
त करना
होगा/ Experience possessed by candidates engaged on Contract basis directly by
PSUs/Central/State Governments concerned shall be considered as experience
for the purpose of selection. In that case, Experience Certificate is to be
produced from such PSUs/Central/State Governments, etc, indicating the
contract engagement. As regards No Objection Certificate, the same needs to be
in line with the Terms & Conditions of contract engagement and Rules
applicable for such contract engagement in the concerned Organization. The
candidates with such experience need to produce offer of appointment order at
the time of interview.
ख) संिवदा के आधार पर िनजी संगठनɉ मɅ उàमीदवारɉ के पास मौजू
द अनु
भव को अनु
भव माना
जाएगा, जो अनु
भव की प्रकृित, िजàमेदािरयɉ, असाइनमɅट आिद के संदभर् मɅ जांच के अधीन होगा/
Experience possessed by candidates in Private Organizations on Contract basis
shall be considered as experience, subject to scrutiny in terms of nature of
experience, responsibilities, assignments, etc.
ग) पीएसयू
/कɅद्र/राÏय सरकारɉ ɮवारा ठेकेदारɉ के माÚयम से संिवदा के आधार पर िनयु
उàमीदवारɉ के पास मौजू
द अनु
भव को अनु
भव के Ǿप मɅ नहीं माना जाएगा क्यɉिक िनयुिक्त
प्र×यक्ष नहीं है/ Experience possessed by candidates engaged on Contract basis
through Contractors by PSUs/Central/State Governments will not be considered
as experience since the engagement is not direct.
घ) उपरोक्त (क) और (ख) के अनु
सार उàमीदवारɉ के पास मौजू
द संिवदा अनु
भव को चयन के उƧेæय
के िलए अनु
भव माना जाएगा, यिद अनु
भव संबंिधत पीएसयू
/कɅद्रीय/राÏय/िनजी संगठनɉ के
कायकारी र् कैडर मɅ है/ The contract experience possessed by candidates as at (a) & (b)
above will be considered as experience for the purpose of selection only if
the experience is in Executive cadre of the concerned PSUs/Central/State/Private

(xv) िजन उàमीदवारɉ ने èविÍछक ै सेवािनवि×तृ योजना (वीआरएस) के तहत लाभ प्राÜत करने के बाद
पीएसयूछोड़ िदया है, यिद उÛहɅ एचएएल मɅ पद के िलए चु
ना जाता है, तो उÛहɅ संबंिधत पीएसयूको
वीआरएस मु
आवजा वापस करना होगा/ Candidates who have left a PSU after availing
benefits under Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS), if selected for the post in HAL,
will be required to return the VRS compensation to the PSU concerned.
(xvi) वतमान र् िरिक्त को सीधी भतीर् के माÚयम से केवल बाहरी उàमीदवारɉ ɮवारा भरे जाने के िलए
िनकाला गया है। इसिलए, आंतिरक उàमीदवारɉ के आवेदन, यिद कोई हɉ, पर िवचार नहीं िकया
जाएगा/ The present vacancy is identified to be filled up by external candidates only,
through Direct Recruitment. Therefore, applications of internal candidates, if any,
will not be considered.
(xvii) आवदने मɅ उàमीदवार का नाम, जÛमितिथ, िपता/माता का नाम, जैसा िक मैिट्रकुलेशन/दसवीं कक्षा
या समकक्ष प्रमाणपत्र या कɅद्रीय/राÏय बोडर् ɮवारा जारी मैिट्रकुलेशन/दसवीं कक्षा या समकक्ष की
माकर्शीट मɅ उिãलिखत है, भरा जाना चािहए। जहां संबंिधत शैिक्षक बोडɟ ɮवारा जारी
प्रमाणपत्र/माकर्शीट मɅ जÛम ितिथ उपलÞध नहीं है, वहां जÛम ितिथ दशार्ने वाले èकूल छोड़ने के
प्रमाणपत्र को शािमल िकया जाएगा/ Name of candidate, Date of Birth, Father’s/ Mother’s
Name should be filled in the Application as mentioned in Matriculation/ 10th
Standard or equivalent Certificate or Mark sheet of Matriculation/10th Standard or
equivalent issued by Central/ State Board. Where Date of Birth is not available in
Certificate/ Mark sheets, issued by concerned Educational Boards, School Leaving
Certificate indicating Date of Birth will be considered.
(xviii) उàमीदवारɉ को अपने अनु
भव का िवèततृ िववरण प्रèतु
त करना अपेिक्षत है/ Candidates are
required to furnish detailed break up of their experience.
(xix) जो आवेदन इस िवज्ञापन मɅ बताई गई अपेक्षाओं के अनु
Ǿप नहीं हɉगे/अधू
रे आवेदन/प्रदान की गई
जानकारी मɅ िवसंगित/आवæयक संलग्नक के िबना/अंितम ितिथ के बाद प्राÜत आवेदन खािरज कर
िदए जाएंगे। ऐसे मामलɉ मɅ, उàमीदवार ɮवारा जमा िकया गया आवदने शु
ãक वापस नहीं िकया
जाएगा और इस संबधं मɅ संबिधत ं उàमीदवारɉ से कोई पत्राचार नहीं िकया जाएगा/ Applications
that are not in conformity with the requirements indicated in this Advertisement/
incomplete applications/ discrepancy in the information provided/ without required
enclosures/ those received after the last date will be rejected. In such cases, the
Application Fees submitted by the candidate will not be refunded and no
communication in this regard will be made with the concerned candidates.
(xx) एचएएल िकसी एिÜलकेशन या संचार की प्रािÜत मɅ देरी या डाक पारगमन मɅ हािन के िलए कोई
िज़àमेदारी नहीं लेता है। आवेदन प्राÜत करने की अंितम ितिथ 15.12.2023 है/ HAL takes no
responsibility for any delay in receipt or loss in postal transit of any Application or
communication. The Last Date for receiving Applications is 15.12.2023
(xxi) चयिनत उàमीदवारɉ की िनयुिक्त (ए) एचएएल ɮवारा िनधार्िरत मानकɉ के अनु
सार एचएएल अèपताल
से संतोषजनक िचिक×सा िरपोटर् की प्रािÜत के अधीन है; (बी) कंपनी के िनयमɉ के अनु
सार संबिधत ं
अिधकािरयɉ आिद से चिरत्र और पू
ववर् ×तृ का स×यापन/ जाित स×यापन (जहाँ भी लागु हो)
Appointment of selected candidates is subject to receipt of (a) Satisfactory Medical
Reports from the HAL Hospital, as per the standards prescribed by HAL; (b)
Verification of Character & Antecedents and caste (wherever applicable) from the
concerned Authorities etc, as per the rules of the Company.
(xxii) चयिनत उàमीदवार एक वषर् की अविध के िलए पिरवीक्षा पर रहेगा/ Selected candidate will be
on probation for a period of one year.
(xxiii) चयिनत उàमीदवार को कंपनी की जǾरतɉ के आधार पर एचएएल-टीएडी, कानपु
र या भारत मɅ कहीं
भी तैनात िकया जाएगा। उàमीदवारɉ को सेवा के प्रारंिभक तीन वषɟ के िलए कंपनी के िकसी अÛय
प्रभाग/कायार्लय मɅ èथानांतरण के िलए आवेदन करने की अनु
मित नहीं दी जाएगी/ Selected
candidate will be posted at HAL- TAD, Kanpur or anywhere in India, based on the
requirement of the Company. The candidates will not be allowed to apply for
transfer to any other Division/ Office of the Company for initial three years of
(xxiv) यिद आवेदन के िकसी भी भाग मɅ उàमीदवार ɮवारा दी गई जानकारी गलत या अधू
री पाई जाती है
या िवज्ञापन मɅ उिãलिखत पात्रता मानदंडɉ के अनु
Ǿप नहीं पाई जाती है, तो भतीर् प्रिक्रया के िकसी भी
चरण मɅ या भतीर् या जॉइिनगं के बाद बाद, उàमीदवार को कोई जानकारी/नोिटस िदए िबना उसकी
उàमीदवारी/िनयुिक्त िकसी भी समय रƧ/समाÜत मानी जाएगी/ If the information furnished by
the candidate in any part of Application is found to be false or incomplete or is not
found to be in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the Advertisement,
his/ her candidature/ appointment will be considered as revoked/ terminated at
any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, without any
reference/ notice given to the candidate.
(xxv) उàमीदवारɉ को सभी पत्राचार आवेदन पत्र मɅ उàमीदवार ɮवारा प्रदान की गई वैध ईमेल आईडी पर
इलेक्ट्रॉिनक मेल के माÚयम सेिकए जाएंगे। पत्राचार का कोई अÛय तरीका नहीं अपनाया जाएगा.
इसिलए, उàमीदवारɉ को वैध ईमेल आईडी प्रदान करना अपेिक्षत है जो िनयिमत उपयोग मɅ है और
कम से कम एक वषर् की अविध के िलए नहीं बदला जाएगा/ All correspondences to the
candidates will be made via electronic mail, to the valid email ID provided by the
candidate in the Application Form. No other method of communication will be
adopted. So, the candidates are required to provide valid email ID which is in
regular usage and will not be changed for a period of at least one year.
(xxvi) कोई भी अितिरक्त जानकारी/शुिद्धपत्र/पिरिशçट केवल कंपनी की वेबसाइट,
(होम पेज- किरयर) पर अपलोड िकया जाएगा/ Any further information/ Corrigendum/
Addendum would be uploaded only on Company’s website,
(Home Page- Careers).
(xxvii) िकसी भी Ǿप मɅ संयाचना करने पर उàमीदवार को अयोग्य घोिषत कर िदया जाएगा/ Canvassing
in any form will disqualify the candidate.
(xxviii)चयन के संबंध मɅ एचएएल प्रबंधन का िनणयर् अंितम होगा। इसके अलावा, एचएएल प्रबंधन कंपनी के
िनयमɉ के अनु
सार िकसी या सभी अिधसूिचत पदɉ को भरने या भिवçय मɅ िरिक्तयɉ, यिद कोई हो, को
चयिनत उàमीदवारɉ के वधै पैनल से भरने का अिधकार सु
रिक्षत रखता है/ Decision of HAL
Management regarding selection will be final. Further, HAL Management reserves
the right to fill up or otherwise the notified posts and also to fill up the future
vacancies if any from the valid panel of selected candidates as per the rules of the
(xxix) इस िवज्ञापन के िवǽद्ध भतीर् के संबंध मɅ िकसी भी िववाद/वाद का िनपटारा केवल कानपु
र Ûयायालय
के अिधकार क्षेत्र मɅ िकया जाएगा/ Any dispute/ cause with regard to recruitment against
this Advertisement will be settled within the jurisdiction of Kanpur Courts only.
(xxx) आवेदन फोम, र् िवज्ञापन आिद मɅ अग्रं ेज़ी संèकरण के अलावा िकसी भी सèकरण ं की åयाख्या मɅ हु

अèपçɪता / िववाद की िèथित मɅ अंग्रेज़ी सèकरण ं ही माÛय होगा/ In case any ambiguity / dispute
arises on account of interpretation in versions other than English in Application
form, Advertisement etc, the English version will prevail.
रोजगार पू
(i) पीडÞãयू
बीडी सिहत एचएएल ɮवारा अनंितम Ǿप से चयिनत उàमीदवारɉ को एचएएल मɅ जॉइन होने से
पहले एक रोजगार पू
वर् िचिक×सा परीक्षा से गु
जरना होगा/ Candidates provisionally selected by
HAL, including PwBDs, will have to undergo a Pre-employment Medical Examination
before joining HAL.
(ii) उàमीदवारɉ का èवाèØय अÍछा होना चािहए और कंपनी ɮवारा िनधार्िरत िचिक×सा मानकɉ को पू
करना चािहए। चयिनत उàमीदवारɉ की िनयुिक्त कंपनी के िचिक×सा मानकɉ के अनु
सार कंपनी के
िचिक×सक से संतोषजनक िचिक×सा िरपोटर् प्राÜत होने पर होगी/ Candidates should have sound
health and should meet the medical standards prescribed by the Company.
Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to receipt of satisfactory medical
report from the Company’s Doctor as per the Medical Standards of the Company.
(iii) इस संबधं मɅ कंपनी के िचिक×सक का िनणयर् अितम ं और बाÚयकारी होगा/ The decision of the
Company’s Doctor in this regard will be final and binding.
(iv) èवाèØय मानकɉ मɅ कोई छूट नहीं दी जाएगी। उàमीदवारɉ को सूिचत िकया जाता है िक वे इस
िवज्ञापन के साथ िदए गए कंपनी के मौजू
दा रोजगार-पू
वर् िचिक×सा मानकɉ (अनु
1) को पढ़ लɅ /
No relaxation in health standards will be allowed. Candidates are advised to go
through the extant Pre-Employment Medical Standards (Annexure-U1) of the
Company hosted along with this Advertisement.
(v) इसके अितिरक्त, पीडÞãयू
बीडी के संबंध मɅ, िवकलांगता के संबंध मɅ िनयुिक्त की उपयु
क्तता शारीिरक
Ǿप से िवकलांगɉ के िलए िवशेष रोजगार कायार्लयɉ से जु
ड़े मेिडकल बोडर् की िरपोटर् के आधार पर तय
की जाएगी और तब तक एचएएल मɅ विरçठ िचिक×सा अिधकारी (िफजीिशयन) के Ǿप मɅ उनकी
िनयुिक्त अनंितम होगी। चयिनत पीडÞãयू
बीडी की िनयुिक्त कंपनी के िनयमɉ के अनु
सार संबिधत ं
अिधकािरयɉ से िवकलांगता प्रमाणपत्र के स×यापन के अधीन होगी/ Additionally, in respect of
PwBDs, the suitability for appointment in relation to the Disability will be decided on
the basis of Reports of the Medical Board attached to the Special Employment
Exchanges for Physically Handicapped and till such time their appointment in HAL
as Sr. Medical Officer (Physician) will be provisional. Appointment of selected PwBD
will be subject to verification of Disability Certificate from the concerned Authorities
as per the Company Rules.
आवेदन शु
ãक और भु
(i) आवदने शु
ãक ǽ. 500/- (ǽपये पाचँ सौ मात्र) है, (बकɇ शु
ãक यिद कोई हो तो उàमीदवारɉ ɮवारा
वहन िकया जाएगा) जो वापसी योग्य नहीं है (अजा/अजजा/पीडÞãयू
डी Įेणी के मामले मɅ छूट दी गई
है)/ The application fee is Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only), (bank charges if
any will be borne by candidates) which is non-refundable (exempted in case of
SC/ ST/PWD category).
(ii)उपरोक्त आवेदन शु
ãक का भु
गतान एनईएफटी/आईएमपीएस के माÚयम से ऑनलाइन िकया जाना है।
िववरण या भु
गतान नीचे िदया गया है/ The above a pplication fee is to be paid
online through NEFT/IMPS. The details or payment are detailed below:
बकɇ खाते का नाम – िहदं èतान ु एयरोनॉिटक्स िलिमटेड टीएडी कानपरु
बकɇ का नाम – भारतीय èटेट बकɇ
शाखा का नाम – मु
ख्य शाखा, मॉल रोड
बकɇ खाता संख्या – 11022401315
आईएफएससी कोड – SBIN0000107
BANK ACCOUNT NO – 11022401315
(iii)आवदने करते समय फीस के भु
गतान पर बकɇ ɮवारा िदए गए ट्रांजेक्शन रेफरɅस नंबर को आवदने पत्र
मɅ दजर् करना होगा। िकसी उàमीदवार ɮवारा गलत खाते मɅ आवेदन शु
ãक जमा करने की िèथित मɅ
एचएएल िजàमेदार नहीं होगा। िकसी अÛय प्रकार का भु
गतान èवीकार नहीं िकया जाता है/
Transaction Reference Number given by the Bank on payment of fees needs to be
entered in the Application Form while applying. HAL will not be responsible in case
of a candidate depositing the application fee in the wrong account. No other form of
payment is accepted.
(iv) उàमीदवारɉ को आवेदन पत्र मɅ भु
गतान िकए गए आवदने शु
ãक का िववरण प्रदान करना आवæयक है,
अÛयथा आवेदन अधू
रा माना जाएगा और èवीकार नहीं िकया जाएगा। आवेदन शु
ãक का भु
आवदने प्राÜत होने की अंितम ितिथ तक िकया जा सकता है/ Candidates are required to
provide details of the Application Fee paid in the Application Form failing which
the application will be treated as incomplete and will not be accepted. Application
fee can be paid till the last date of receipt of application.
(v) आवदने शु
ãक िकसी भी पिरिèथित मɅ वापस नहीं िकया जाएगा, भले ही उàमीदवार आवदने करते
समय या आवदने की अèवीकृित आिद के समय अयोग्य हो। इसिलए, आवेदन अग्रेिषत करने से पहले,
उàमीदवारɉ को यह सुिनिæचत करना होगा िक वे सभी पात्रता मानदंडɉ को पू
रा करते हɇ/ Application
fee will not be refunded under any circumstances, even if the candidate is
ineligible at the time of applying or rejection o f application etc. Therefore, before
forwarding the application, candidates are required to ensure that they meet with
all the eligibility criteria.
आवेदन कैसे करɅ/ HOW TO APPLY
(i) योग्य और इÍछुक उàमीदवारɉ को पिरिशçट क मɅ िदए गए िनधार्िरत प्राǾप मɅ िविधवत भरे हु

अपने आवेदन भेजने हɉगे/ Eligible and interested candidates are required to send their
Applications, duly filled, in the prescribed format as enclosed at Appendix A.
(ii) पात्रता मानदंडɉ को पू
रा करने वाले उàमीदवार आयु, योग्यता, अनु
भव, प्रिशक्षण, जाित प्रमाण पत्र
(िनधार्िरत प्राǾप मɅ), िवकलांगता (जैसा लागूहो), भू
वर् सैिनक िडèचाजर् बु
क (जैसा लागूहो), èवस×यािपत हािलया पासपोटर् आकार का रंगीन फोटो, आिद के प्रमाण पत्र/ दèतावेजɉ (फोटोकॉपी) के
साथ ए-4 आकार के कागज पर (साफ-सु
थरे टाइप िकए गए/ हèतिलिखत) मुिद्रत अपना आवेदन
केवल èपीड पोèट/ कूिरयर ɮवारा सकते हɇ तािक यह िनàनिलिखत पते पर 15.12.2023 को या
उससे पहले पहुंच सके/ Candidates meeting with the eligibility criteria may send their
applications strictly in the prescribed Application Format printed on A-4 size
paper (neatly typed/ handwritten) along with the certificates / documents
(Photocopies) with proof of Age, Qualification, Experience, Training, Caste (in
the prescribed format), Disability (as applicable), Ex-servicemen discharge
book (as applicable), a self-attested recent Passport Size Colour Photograph etc.
by Speedpost/Courier only so as to reach on or before 15.12.2023 to the
following address :
ख्य प्रबधकं (एचआर)/ Chief Manager (HR),
भतीर् एवंपदोÛनित अनु
भाग/ Recruitment & Promotion Section,
िहदं èतान ु एयरोनॉिटक्स िलिमटेड/Hindustan Aeronautics Limited,
पिरवहन िवमान प्रभाग/Transport Aircraft Division,
पोèट ऑिफस- चकेरी, कानपु
र/ PO- Chakeri, Kanpur,
िपन कोड/Pin Code- 208008
उ×तर प्रदेश/ Uttar Pradesh.
(iii) उàमीदवारɉ को िलफाफे के ऊपर अिनवायर् Ǿप से “विरçठ िचिक×सा अिधकारी (िचिक×सक) पद के
िलए आवदने ” िलखना है/ Candidates are required to compulsorily superscribe the
envelope with “Application for the Post of Sr. Medical Officer (Physician)”.
(iv) आवदने केवल èपीड पोèट/ कूिरयर के माÚयम से भेजे जाने चािहए। अÛय माÚयमɉ जैसे फैक्स/ई-मेल
आिद से प्राÜत आवदने èवीकार नहीं िकए जाएंगे और सरसरी तौर पर अèवीकृत कर िदए जाएगं े।
ऊपर उिãलिखत पते पर कोई भी आवदने åयिक्तगत Ǿप से प्राÜत नहीं िकया जाएगा/ The
Applications have to be sent through Speedpost / Courier only. Applications
received through other modes viz. Fax/ E-mail etc. will not be accepted and will
be summarily rejected. No application will be received in person at the address
mentioned above.
(v) एचएएल आवेदन पत्र प्राÜत करने मɅ िकसी भी देरी या पारगमन मɅ हािन के िलए कोई िजàमेदारी नहीं
लेगा/ HAL will not take any responsibility for any delay in receiving the Application
Forms or Loss in transit.
(vi) आवदने प्राÜत करने की अंितम ितिथ 15.12.2023 है। िनयत ितिथ के बाद प्राÜत आवेदन अèवीकृत
कर िदए जाएंगे/ The last date for receipt of applications is 15.12.2023
Applications received after the due date will be rejected.
(vii) उàमीदवारɉ के पास एक वैध ई-मेल आईडी होना आवæयक है, िजसे आवदने पत्र मɅ दजर् िकया जाना
है, तािक साक्षा×कार के िलए कॉल लेटर डाउनलोड करने के संबंध मɅ सू
चना भेजी जा सके। एचएएल
उàमीदवारɉ को भेजे गए ई-मेल की िडलीवरी न होने के िलए िजàमेदार नहीं होगा/ Candidates
are required to possess a valid E-mail ID, which is to be entered in the
Application Form, so that intimation regarding downloading of call letter for
Interview can be sent. HAL will not be responsible for non-delivery of E-mail sent
to the candidates.
िकसी भी प्रæन के िलए कृपया हमसे 0512-2451749, एक्सटɅशन-4640/4373 पर संपकर् करɅ।
For any queries please contact us at 0512- 2451749, Extn- 4640 / 4373.
मख्यु प्रबंधक (मानव ससाधन ं )
क. एसएससी/एसएसएलसी/मैिट्रकुलेशन/10 वीं कक्षा की अंकतािलका/प्रमाणपत्र (जÛमितिथ के समथनर् मɅ)/
SSC/ SSLC/ Matriculation/10th Class Marks Sheet/ Certificate (in support of Date of
ख. िनधार्िरत योग्यताओं की माकर्शीट और अनंितम/अंितम िडग्री प्रमाण पत्र/ Mark Sheets of
Qualifications prescribed and Provisional/ Final Degree Certificates.
ग. योग्यता के बाद के अनु
भव के प्रमाण मɅ सक्षम प्रािधकारी ɮवारा वतमान र् /पू
वर् िनयोक्ता के प्रामािणक
लेटर हेड पर जारी िकए गए दèतावज़े / Documents in proof of post- qualification experience
issued on authentic Letter Head of present/ past Employer by Competent Authority.
घ. िडèचाजर् सिटर्िफकेट (केवल भू
वर् सैिनकɉ के िलए)/ Discharge Certificate (only for Ex–
ङ. वतमान र् िनयोक्ता से नवीनतम वेतन प्रमाणपत्र/ वेतन-पचीर्/ Latest Salary Certificate/ Salaryslip from the present Employer.
च. अजा/अजजा/ अिपव (नॉन क्रीमी लेयर) के संबंध मɅ जाित प्रमाण पत्र/ Caste Certificate w.r.t. SC/
ST/ OBC (Non Creamy Layer).
छ. आय एवं संपि×त प्रमाणपत्र [केवल आिथकर् Ǿप से कमजोर वगɟ (ईडÞãयू
एस) के िलए]/ Income &
Asset Certificate [only for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS)].
ज. 01.01.1980 से 31.12.1989 तक जàमू और कæमीर अिधवास का प्रमाण पत्र/ Certificate of
Jammu & Kashmir Domicile from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989.
झ. सक्षम प्रािधकारी से पीडÞãयू
बीडी के िलए िवकलांगता प्रमाण पत्र/ Disability Certificate for PwBDs
from Competent Authority.
ञ. मेिडकल काउंिसल ऑफ इंिडया (एमसीआई) अिधिनयम के तहत िकसी भी राÏय मेिडकल काउंिसल के
साथ पंजीकरण प्रमाण पत्र/ Registration Certificate with any State Medical Council under
Medical Council of India (MCI) Act.
ट. नवीनतम पासपोटर् आकार के रंगीन फोटोग्राफ- नं. 02/ Recent Passport size colour
photographs- nos. 02.
ठ. यिद उàमीदवार कɅद्र/राÏय सरकार के िवभागɉ, पीएसयूआिद मɅ कायरतर् है (अनु
बंध के आधार पर लगे
उàमीदवारɉ सिहत) तो अनापि×त प्रमाण पत्र (एनओसी)/ No Objection Certificate (NOC) in case
Candidate is employed in Central/ State Government Departments, PSU etc
(including candidates engaged on Contract basis).
ड. यिद आवæयक हो तो कोई अÛय/ Any other, in case necessary.
Úयान दɅ- उàमीदवारɉ को आवदने पत्र के साथ सभी अिनवायर् और लागू èव-स×यािपत प्रशंसापत्र/ दèतावेजɉ
की प्रितयां संलग्न करनी हɉगी।
NOTE- Candidates would have to attach copies of all mandatory and applicable selfattested testimonials/ documents with the Application Form.
आवेदन के साथ संलग्न िकए जाने वाले दèतावेजɉ की èवप्रमािणत प्रितयɉ की चेक-िलèट
लग्नक/Annexure- A
िहदं èतान ु एरोनॉिटक्स िलिमटेड
पिरवहन वायु
यान प्रभाग,
आवेदन पत्र का प्राǾप /APPLICATION FORMAT
(केवल बड़ेअक्षरɉ मɅभरा जाए/ to be filled in Block Letters only)
कृपया नीचेिदए गए सभी फ़ीãड भरना सुिनिæचत करɅ/ PLEASE ENSURE TO FILL UP ALL THE FIELDS BELOW
विरçठ िचिक×सा अिधकारी (िफजीिशयन) के पद हेतुआवेदन

िवज्ञापन क्रमाकं /Advt No. ……………………………… िदनांक/Dated ……………………
1. नाम (बड़ेअक्षरɉ मɅ) / NAME (IN BLOCK LETTER)
2. िलगं (पु
ǽष/मिहला): GENDER (MALE/FEMALE):
3. िपता का नाम/ FATHER’S NAME:
4. माता का नाम/ MOTHER’S NAME:
i. जÛमितिथ (िदनांक/ महीना/ वष)र्/ DATE OF BIRTH
ii. 30.09.2023 को आय/
ु AGE AS ON 30.09.2023
i. ……………………………………
ii. ……………………………………
6. मू
ल िनवास का राÏय और राçट्रीयता /
संपकर्/पत्र åयवहार पता/ CONTACT/MAILING ADDRESS:
िजला/ DISTT ………………………………….
राÏय/ STATE…………………………………………….
िपन कोड/ PIN CODE …………………………………
फोन नबरं (एसटीडी कोड के साथ)/ PHONE NO. (WITH STD
CODE) ………………………………………… …………..
मोबाइल न./ं MOBILE NO. ……………………………………
ईमेल आईडी/E MAIL ID …………………………………….
िजला/ DISTT. ………………………………….
िपन कोड/PIN CODE ……………………………………
फोन नबरं (एसटीडी कोड के साथ)/ PHONE NO.
(WITH STD CODE) …………………………………………
मोबाइल न./ं MOBILE NO. ………………
ईमेल आईडी/E MAIL ID ……………………
8. िनकटतम रेलवे èटेशन/ Nearest Railway Station:
धम/ र् Religion:
अपना हाल ही का èवस×यािपत रंगीन फोटो
your recent
क्या आप 01.01.1980 से 31.12.1989 की अविध के दौरान जàमूऔर कæमीर के िनवासी थे? (यिद
हां, तो इस आवेदन पत्र के साथ प्रमाणपत्र की प्रित संलग्न करɅ)/
Were you domicile of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01.01.1980 to
31.12.1989? (If yes, Copy of certificate to be attached with this Application
Įेणी को िचिÛहत करɅ [अनु.जाित/अनु.जनजाित/अÛय िपछड़ा वग (र् नॉन-क्रीमी लेयर)/आिथकर् Ǿप से
िपछड़े वगर् के मामले मɅ साक्षा×कार के समय प्रèततु िकए जाने वाले प्रमाणपत्र की प्रित]/ Circle
the Category [copy of Certificate to be produced at the time of Interview in case
of SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/EWS] a) जाित/ Caste
b) उप जाित/Sub-Caste
c) नॉन-क्रीमी लेयर (केवल अिपव)/ Non-Creamy Layer (for OBC only)
अÛय िपछड़ा वग (र् नॉनक्रीमी लेयर)/आिथकर् Ǿप
से िपछड़ा वगर्
a) …
b) …
c) हां/नहीं/Yes / No
क्या आप िदåयागं (पीडÞãयू
डी) हɇ?
यिद हां, तो िवकलांगता की Įेणी को िचिÛहत करɅ (िवकलांगता प्रमाण पत्र की प्रित इस आवेदन पत्र के
साथ संलग्न करɅ)
Are you a person with disability (PWD)?
If yes, circle the category of disability (Copy of Disability certificate to be
attached with this Application Form)
ओएल/OL (या/OR)
क) क्या आप भू
वर्सैिनक हɇ/ Are you an ex-serviceman?
यिद हां, तो अंितम रɇक और उसमɅ सेवा की अविध का उãलेख करɅ।
If yes, mention the last rank held and no. of years served in the rank
ख) क्या आप सशèत्र बलɉ मɅसेवारत अिधकारी हɇ?
Are you serving officer in the armed forces?
यिद हाँ, तो वतमान र् रɇक और रɇक मɅपू
ए वषɟ की संख्या का उãलेख करɅ।
If yes, mention the present rank and no. of years completed in the rank:
क्या इससे पहले कभी एचएएल ने आपका साक्षा×कार िलया था?
Have you been interviewed by HAL any time Earlier? यिद हां/If yes,
िकस पद हेतुसाक्षा×कार िलया गया/ Post interviewed:
साक्षा×कार की ितिथ/ Date of interview:
साक्षा×कार का èथान/ Venue of interview:
क्या आपका कोई करीबी िरæतदा े र एचएएल मɅकाम कर रहा है? यिद हां, तो नाम, पदनाम, प्रभाग आिद
का िववरण प्रदान करɅ
Are any of your close relatives working in HAL? If yes, provide details of Name,
Designation, Division, etc
क्या आप कभी िकसी राजनीितक दल/संगठन के सदèय/कायकता र् र् रहे हɇया िकसी राजनीितक
गितिविधयɉ मɅभाग िलया है? यिद ‘हाँ’, तो कृपया िनàनिलिखत िववरण दɅ:
Have you ever been a member/worker of any political party/organization or
participated in any political activities? If ‘yes’, please give the following details:
i. राजनीितक दल/संगठन का नाम/ Name of political party/organization:
ii.राजनीितक गितिविध का िववरण (यिद कोई हो)/Particulars of political activity (if any):
iii.सदèयता की अविध (वषर्से)/राजनीितक गितिविध मɅभागीदारी का वष: र्
Period of membership (from year)/year of participation in political activity:
iv.राजनीितक गितिविधयɉ मɅभागीदारी की प्रकृित/Nature of participation in political
v.पदभार, यिद राजनीितक दल मɅ कोई ग्रहण िकया हो/ Office, if any, held in political
(यिद आवæयक हो तो अलग शीट का उपयोग करɅ/ Use separate sheets, if required)
19. पहली नौकरी से लेकर वतमान र् नौकरी तक का åयावसाियक अनु
भव: कालानक्रमु मɅ
Professional Experience from the First Job onwards to Current Job:(Chronological order)
(नोट: कृपया कायर् अनभवु प्रोफ़ाइल के िलए िदनांक, माह और वषर्जैसी परी
ू जानकारी दɅ। यिद आवæयक हो तो अलग शीट का
उपयोग करɅ/Note: Please give complete details for the experience profile like Date, Month & Year.
Use separate sheets if required)
17. शैिक्षक योग्यता (शैक्षिणक और åयावसाियक)/ EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION (Academic and Professional)
िवशषज्ञता े के साथ
योग्यता का नाम, जहां
भी लागूहो/
Name Of
Qualification With
पाɫयक्रम की प्रकृित
णकािलक र् )/
Nature of the
Course (Full
Time)/Part Time/
पाɫयक्रम की
of the
अंकɉ का कुल
% of
महीना और
Month &
year of
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

(नोट: कृपया परूी जानकारी दɅ। यिद आवæयक हो तो अलग शीट का उपयोग करɅ)
Note: Please give full and complete information. Use separate sheets, if required
18. िपछले 05 वषɟ मɅिकए गए प्रिशक्षण का िववरण/ DETAILS OF TRAINING UNDERGONE IN THE LAST 05 YEARS
कायक्रमर् का नाम/ Name of Program
प्रिशक्षण की अविध/ Duration of training
(िदन/माह/वष) र्
(िदन/माह/वष) र्

केÛद्र सरकार/
Govt/ PSU
/ Private
सकल वेतन/
नौकरी छोड़ने का
(वीआरएस सिहत)
Reasons for
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

20. वतमान र् मɅआपके ɮवारा धािरत पद की िवèततृ जानकारी (एक अलग शीट पर लगभग 100 शÞदɉ मɅटाइप की जानी हैऔर
कागज के शीषर् पर èपçट Ǿप सेिलखेगए आपके नाम सिहत आवेदन के साथ संलग्न की जानी है)/ Detailed Picture of
the Position currently held by you (to be typed in about 100 words on a separate sheet and
enclosed with the Application with your name legibly written on the top of the paper).
21. आपके पास योग्यता उपरांत अनु
भव के वषɟ की संख्या (पू
रे िकए गए वषɟ मɅ):
No. of years of Post-Qualification Experience you possess (in completed years): …………………..
22. वतमान र् वेतनमान/ Present Scale of: …………………………………………………………………………………
ल वतने /Basic Pay ………………… मँहगाई भ×ता/ DA ……………सकल वेतन/ Gross Pay …………
23. विरçठता की ितिथ (वतमान र् ग्रेड/पद की ितिथ से)/ Date of Seniority (from Date in Present Grade/Post): ..…
24. अपेिक्षत वेतन/Pay expected/: ……………………………………………………………………………………
25. यिद आपका चयन हो जाता हैतो आप िकतनी जãदी Ïवाइन कर सकतेहɇ? /
If selected, how soon can you join? ……………………………………………………………………….
26. åयावसाियक अनु
भव, उपलिÞध और क्षत्रे मɅमह×वपू
णर्योगदान का िववरण (एक अलग शीट पर लगभग 100 शÞदɉ मɅटाइप
िकया जाना चािहए और कागज के शीषर्पर èपçट Ǿप सेआपका नाम िलखा हु
आ आवेदन के साथ संलग्न िकया जाना चािहए)/ Pen
picture of professional experience, achievement and significant contribution in the field (to be typed in
about 100 words on a separate sheet and enclosed with the Application with your name legibly written
on the top of the paper).
27. एचएएल टीएडी कानपरु के पक्ष मɅभु
गतान िकए गए आवेदन शु
ãक का िववरण (जैसा िक िवज्ञापन मɅबताया गया है)
Details of Application fee paid in favor of HAL TAD Kanpur (as mentioned in Advertisement)::
(नोट: लेनदेन रसीद की प्रित संलग्न करɅ/ Note: Enclose copy of transaction receipt)

मɇएतʊवारा घोषणा करता हूं िक उपरोक्त कथन मेरी सवȾ×तम जानकारी और िवæवास के अनसार ु स×य और पणू र्हɇ। मɇसमझता
हूं िक जानकारी अस×य या गलत पाए जानेपर मेरी उàमीदवारी/िनयिक्त ु िबना िकसी सचना
ू के समाÜत मानी जा सकती है।

I hereby declare that the above statements are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and
belief. I understand that in the event the information is found to be false or incorrect, my
candidature/appointment may be considered as terminated without any notice.

िदनांक/ Date: उàमीदवार के हèताक्षर/ Signature of the Candidate
नोट: उàमीदवार को सभी कॉलम भरनेहɉगे। कोई भी कॉलम खाली रहने, न भरनेया अधरा
ू रहनेपर आवेदन अèवीकार कर
िदया जाएगा। िकसी भी पत्राचार पर िवचार नहीं िकया जाएगा/Note: The candidate is required to fill up all the
columns. Application will be rejected if any column is left blank, not filled or incomplete. No
correspondence will be entertained.
उàमीदवार आवेदन पत्र के साथ आवदने पत्र/िवज्ञापन मɅ िनिदर्çट दèतावेजɉ के अलावा कोई अÛय दèतावजे संलग्न न
करɅ/The candidate should not attach any documents with the Application Form other than the
specified ones in the Application Form/Advertisement.
बकɇ का नाम
Name of the Bank
शाखा क्रमांक
Branch code
लेनदेन संदभ/र् यटीआर ू
संख्या / Transaction

This is to certify that Shri I Smt I Kumari _ , son I daughter
of , of Village 1 Town in District 1 Division in the
State I Union Territory _____________________________________________belongs to the
_ Community which is recognized as a Backward Class under the Government
of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No. 12011/68/93-BCC {C), dated10th September,
1993, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I Selection I, dated the 13th
September, 1993*. Shri I Smt I Kumari_____________________________________ and /or
his/her family ordinarily reside(s) in the _________________District / Division of the
State/Union Territory. This is also to certify that he/she does not
belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to the
Government of India. Department of Personnel and Training. O.M No 36012/22/93- Estt.
(SCT), dated 8-9-1993*.
* as amended from time to time
District Magistrate,
Deputy Commissioner, etc
Note: The term ‘Ordinarily’ used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the
Representation of the people’s Act, 1950
This is to certify that Shri/ Shrimathi*/ Kumari* ______________________Son/daughter*
of Village/town* in
District/Division* of the State/Union Territory* belongs to
the Caste/ Tribe which is recognized as a Scheduled Caste 1 Scheduled Tribe*
*The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) order 1950
*The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) order 1950
*The Constitution (Scheduled Castes)(Union Territories) order 1950
*The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territories) order 1951
{As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes lists( Modification Order, 1956,
the Bombay Reorganization act, 1960, the Punjab Reorganization Act, 1966, the state of
Himachal Pradesh Act 1970, the North-Eastern areas ( Reorganization) Act, 197!’ and the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes orders (Amendment) Act 1976}
*The Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Castes order 1956
*The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes order 1959 as
amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act
*The Constitution ( Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes order 1962
*The Constitution ( Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes order 1962
*The Constitution ( Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes order 1964
*The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Uttar Pradesh) order 1967
*The Constitution ( Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes order 1968
*The Constitution ( Goa,Daman and Diu) Scheduled Tribes order 1968
*The Constitution ( Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes order 1970
*The Constitution ( Sikkim) Scheduled Castes order 1978
2. Shri I Smt/ Kumari* _and/or * his/her* family
ordinarily reside(s) in village/town* of
District/Division* of the state/Union Territory* of —— –
Signature___ _
Designation _
(With seal of office)
Place _ State I Union Territory
* Please delete the words, which are not applicable
Note :The term ” Ordinarily resides” used here will have the same meaning as in section 20 of
the Representation of the People Act 1950.
Annexure D1
(In cases of amputation or complete permanent paralysis of limbs or dwarfism and in
case of blindness) [See rule 18(1)] (Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)
Recent Passport size
attested Photograph
(showing face only) of the
Person with Disability
Certificate No. Date:
This istocertify that Ihave carefully examined Shri/Smt./Kum.
son/wife/daughter of Shri Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY)
Age _ years, male/female registration No.
Permanent resident of House No. _ _ Ward/Village/Street
Post Office District State __, whose
photograph is affixed above, and am satisfied that:
(A) he/she is a case of:
 locomotors disability
 dwarfism
 blindness
(Please tick as applicable)
(B) the diagnosis in his/her case is
(A) he/she has % (in figure) percent (in words) permanent locomotors
disability/dwarfism/blindness in relation to his/her (part of body) as per guidelines
(……………number and date of issue of the guidelines to be specified).
2. The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence:-
Nature of Document Date of Issue Details of authority
issuing certificate

impression of the person
in whose favour certificate
of disability is issued
(Signature and Seal of Authorised Signatory of
Notified Medical Authority
Annexure D2
(In case of multiple disabilities) [See rule 18(1)] (Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)
Recent Passport
size attested
(showing face only)
of the Person with
Certificate No. Date
This is to certify that we have carefully examined Shri/Smt./Kum. _son / wife /
daughter of Shri Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) Age years, male /
Registration No. _ Permanent resident of House No. Ward / Village /
Street Post Office District _ State _,
whose photograph is affixed above, and am satisfied that:
(A) He/she is a case of Multiple Disability. His/her extent of permanent physical
impairment/disability has been evaluated as per guidelines (……………number and date of issue
of the guidelines to be specified) for the disabilities ticked below, and is shown against the
relevant disability in the table below:
Disability Affected
part of body
Diagnosis Permanent physical
impairment / mental disability
(in %)
1. Locomotors disability @
2. Muscular Dystrophy
3. Leprosy cured
4. Dwarfism
5. Cerebral Palsy
6. Acid attack Victim
7. Low vision #
8. Blindness #
9. Deaf £
10. Hard of Hearing £
11. Speech and Language

12. Intellectual Disability
13. Specific Learning
14. Autism Spectrum

15. Mental illness
16. Chronic Neurological

17. Multiple sclerosis
18. Parkinson’s disease
19. Haemophilia
20. Thalassemia
21. Sickle Cell disease
(B) In the light of the above, his/her over all permanent physical impairment as per guidelines
(……….number and date of issue of the guidelines to be specified), is as follows : –
In figures: – —————— percent
In words: – —————————————————– percent
2. This condition is progressive/non-progressive/likely to improve/not likely to improve.
3. Reassessment of disability is:
(i) not necessary, or
(ii) is recommended /after…… year…… months and therefore this certificate shall
be valid till —– —– ——
(DD) (MM) (YY)
@e.g. Left/right/both arms/legs
#e.g. Single eye
£e.g. Left/Right/both ears
4. The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence:-
Nature of document Date of issue Details of authority
issuing certificate

5. Signature and seal of the Medical Authority.

Name and Seal of
Name and Seal of
Name and Seal of
the Chairperson
impression of the person
in whose favor certificate
of disability is issued
Annexure D3
(In cases other than those mentioned in Forms V and VI) (Name
and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate) [See
rule 18(1)] Recent Passport size
attested Photograph
(showing face only) of
the Person with
Certificate No. Date:
This is to certify that I have carefully examined Shri/Smt/Km son/wife/daughter of Shri
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) Age years, male/female
Registration No. permanent resident of House No. _
Ward/Village/Street _ Post Office District
State , whose photograph is affixed above, and am satisfied that
he/she is a case of _ disability. His/her extent of percentage physical impairment/disability
has been evaluated as per guidelines (……..number and date of issue of the guidelines to be specified)
and is shown against the relevant disability in the table below:-
Disability Affected
part of body
Diagnosis Permanent
disability (in %)
1. Locomotors disability @
2. Muscular Dystrophy
3. Leprosy cured 4. Cerebral Palsy
5. Acid attack Victim
6. Low vision #
7. Deaf €
8. Hard of Hearing €
9. Speech and Language disability
10. Intellectual Disability
11. Specific Learning Disability
12. Autism Spectrum Disorder
13. Mental illness
14. Chronic Neurological Conditions
15. Multiple sclerosis
16. Parkinson’s disease
17. Hemophilia
18. Thalassemia
19. Sickle Cell disease
(Please strike out the disabilities which are not applicable)
2. The above condition is progressive/non-progressive/likely to improve/not likely to improve.
3.Reassessment of disability is:
(i) not necessary, or
(ii) is recommended/after years months, and therefore
this certificate shall be valid till (DD/MM/YY) _
@ – eg. Left/Right/both arms/legs
# – eg. Single eye/both eyes
€ – eg. Left/Right/both ears
4. The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence:-
Nature of document Date of issue Details of authority issuing certificate

(Authorised Signatory of notified Medical Authority)
(Name and Seal)
{Counter signature and seal of the
Chief Medical Officer/ Medical
Superintendent/ Head of
Government Hospital in case the
Certificate is issued by Medical
Authority who is not a Government
Servant (with seal)}
impression of the
in whose favour
of disability is issued
Note-In case the Certificate is issued by a medical authority who is not a Government
servant, it shall be valid only if countersigned by the Chief Medical Officer of the District.
Annexure E
Government of…………..
(Name & Address of the authority issuing the certificate)
Certificate No. ———- Date:
This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari son /
daughter/wife permanent resident
of Village /Street Post
Office District in the State/Union Territory
Pin Code whose photograph
is at tested below belongs to Economically Weaker Sections, since the gross annual
income* of his/her ‘family”** is below Rs.8 lakh (Rupees Eight Lakh only) for the
financial year . His/her family does not own or possess any of the following
assets*** :
I. 5 acres of agricultural land and above;
II. Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above;
Ill. Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
IV. Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified
2. Shri/Smt./Kumari belongs to the caste
which is not recognized as a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward
Classes (Central List)
Recent Passport
size attested
photograph of the
Signature with seal of Office _
Name _
*Note1 :.Income covered all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc.
**Note 2:The term “Family” for this purpose include the person, who seeks benefit of
reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 y ears as also his/her
spouse and children below the age of 18 years
***Note 3: The property held by a ” Family” in different locations or different
places/cities have been clubbed while applying the land or property holding test to
determine EWS status.
40 years & below above 40 years
(1) (3) (4)
A Height Male 147.1 147.1
Female 142.1 142.1
Male Min. 45Kg. Min. 45Kg.
Female Min. 39Kg. Min. 39Kg.
BMI below 18 and above 28 kg/m2, primary
cause for abnormal BMI to be investigated
before acceptance.
Cushing’s Disease, Gigantism & Acromegaly
with systemic involvement to be rejected.
BMI below 18 and above 28 kg/m2, primary
cause for abnormal BMI to be investigated
before acceptance.
Cushing’s Disease, Gigantism & Acromegaly
with systemic involvement to rejected.
If HB is below 9 gm/dl and / or abnormal PBS,
should be further investigated before
acceptance. Haemophilia and Haemolytic
anemias like Thalasemia major Sickle cell
disease are not suitable for employment.
If HB is below 9 gm/dl and / or abnormal PBS,
should be further investigated before
acceptance. Haemophilia and Haemolytic
anemias like Thalasemia major Sickle cell
disease are not suitable for employment.
Should demonstrate an ability to hear an
average conversational voice in a quiet room
using both ears at a distance of six feet from the
examiner with the back turned to the examiner.
All cases of CSOM to be corrected by surgery
before taking fitness.
Audiometry will be done based on history and
clinical examination and it will be done for all
direct employees . It should br preserved.
If Hearing Deficit is more than 40dB at
500,1000,2000 and 3000 Hz , not suitable for
Should demonstrate an ability to hear an
average conversational voice in a quiet room
using both ears at a distance of six feet from the
examiner with the back turned to the examiner.
All cases of CSOM to be corrected by surgery
before taking fitness.
Audiometry will be done based on history and
clinical examination and it will be done for all
direct employees . It should be preserved.
If Hearing Deficit is more than 40dB at
500,1000,2000 and 3000 Hz, not suitable for
3 Should not suffer from any chronic eye
diseases. Should not suffer from any chronic eye diseases.
Refer Annexure II (for pilots only) Refer Annexure II (for pilots only)
Better eye Worse eye Better eye Worse eye
6/9 6/9
6/6 6/12
6/9 6/12
6/6 6/18
6/9 6/18 6/12 6/18
N-6 both eyes N-6 both eyes
N-8 both eyes N-8 both eyes
S No
ii) Distant vision for
other trades
a) with glasses for
Tech jobs
b) with or without
glasses for non tech
General Examination
Visual Acuity
NOTE : Significant under weight/ over weight & height more than 200 cms needs further investigations before declaring FIT.
i)Distant & Near
vision for trades like
iii) Near vision with or
without glasses for
other trades
a) Tech Jobs
b) Non tech jobs
B Suitable for desk jobs only provided other
parameters in relation to eye are normal.
Suitable for desk jobs only provided other
parameters in relation to eye are normal.
C IOL may be accepted if visual acuity is ok. IOL may be accepted if visual acuity is ok.
– Job involving coloured cables
– Fire fighters
– Electronic technicians
– Panel operator
– Other occupations where perception of colours
is considered essential.
For any other Jobs Identification of Primary
Colours is necessary.
Officers and workmen in the above jobs require
normal colour vision for proper pursuit. Defective
colour vision is a disqualification for these jobs.
– Job involving coloured cables
– Fire fighters
– Electronic technicians
– Panel operator
– Other occupations where perception of colours
is considered essential.
For any other Jobs Identification of Primary
Colours is necessary.
Officers and workmen in the above jobs require
normal color vision for proper pursuit. Defective
color vision is a disqualification for these jobs.
There is no good binocular vision. Even after
surgery the chances of binocular vision are rare.
They may be accepted for desk jobs only.
There is no good binocular vision. Even after
surgery the chances of binocular vision are rare.
They may be accepted for desk jobs only.
Upto (-6) may be accepted provided the vision is
normal after correction & retina is in good health.
All candidates must be subjected to Fundoscopy
& Indirect ophthalmoscopy.
In case Myopia is not within acceptable limits,
the candidate can be reassessed after
correction through surgery.
Upto (-7) may be accepted provided the vision is
normal after correction & retina is in good health.
All candidates must be subjected to Fundoscopy
& Indirect ophthalmoscopy.
In case Myopia is not within acceptable limits,
the candidate can be reassessed after correction
through surgery.
Intra Ocular Lens
D Color Vision
Squint cases
The Colour vision shall be tested for all
candidates with Ishihara’s Isochromatic plates in
good light. Most cases of this type are
characterized by a Red-Green deficiency. Colour
deficient applicants are able to safely perform all
jobs except those that require ability to
differentiate colours correctly such as:
– Industrial staff dealing with machines involving
recognition of coloured signals.
– Technicians engaged in Laboratory work and
– Crane Operators.
– Draughtsmen.
– Drivers of all categories.
– Electrical work.
– Doctors and other Technical staff.
– Scientific assistants
– Security personnel
– Pilots, Ground Engineers and staff
– Electronic assembly
– Navigation

The Colour vision shall be tested for all
candidates with Ishihara’s Isochromatic plates in
good light. Most cases of this type are
characterized by a Red-Green deficiency. Colour
deficient applicants are able to safely perform all
jobs except those that require ability to
differentiate colours correctly such as:
– Industrial staff dealing with machines involving
recognition of coloured signals.
– Technicians engaged in Laboratory work and
– Crane Operators.
– Draughtsmen.
– Drivers of all categories.
– Electrical work.
– Doctors and other Technical staff.
– Scientific assistants
– Security personnel
– Pilots, Ground Engineers and staff
– Electronic assembly
– Navigation

Upto (+7) may be accepted provided the vision
improves to 6/9 & have a binocular vision.
Upto (+7) may be accepted provided the vision
improves to 6/9 & have a binocular vision.
Not affecting the vision is acceptable. When the
vision is affected or encroaching the cornea, to
be accepted after surgery.
Not affecting the vision is acceptable. When the
vision is affected or encroaching the cornea, to
be accepted after surgery.
The condition is treatable now, with advanced
technology. Hence, the candidate with such
abnormality should be given an option for
correction. After correction, if the vision is
normal, the candidate can be considered for
employment in HAL. The candidate is required
to come back after correction within 3 months for
pre-employment medical examination. The
expenses towards such correction will be borne
by the candidate.
The condition is treatable now, with advanced
technology. Hence, the candidate with such
abnormality should be given an option for
correction. After correction, if the vision is
normal, the candidate can be considered for
employment in HAL. The candidate is required to
come back after correction within 3 months for
pre-employment medical examination. The
expenses towards such correction will be borne
by the candidate.
J To be rejected To be rejected
K To be rejected To be rejected
a) Treated/ cured Hansen’s disease with no
deformity is acceptable except in food handling
areas. Hansen should not be considered as a
criteria for disqualifying.
a) Treated/ cured Hansen’s disease with no
deformity is acceptable except in food handling
areas. Hansen should not be considered as a
criteria for disqualifying.
b) Psoriasis involving more than 60% of body
surface area, rendered temporarily unfit. After
treatment it can be considered fit. Psoriatic
arthritis with deformity unfit. Systemic Lupus
Erythamatosus with complications and deformity
is unfit.
b) Psoriasis involving more than 60% of body
surface area, rendered temporarily unfit. After
treatment it can be considered fit. Psoriatic
arthritis with deformity unfit. Systemic Lupus
Erythamatosus with complications and deformity
is unfit.
c) Vitiligo (Leukoderma) should not be
considered as cause for rejection since it is
neither communicable nor contagious.
c)Vitiligo (Leukoderma) should not be
considered as cause for rejection since it is
neither communicable nor contagious.
Elisa HIV I & II Testing are recommended for all
candidates with consent. A written consent /
undertaking will be obtained from the candidate
before administering the test (Appendix -I).
Depending on the nature of jobs to be performed
by the candidate / the post to which the
candidate is selected, acceptance or rejection
will be decided. Personnel who are HIV +’ve
would be fit for appointment only to such
Departments / Areas of work where there is no
risk involved towards the health of themselves
and others viz in Departments like Design,
Planning, Marketing, IT, MS, Finance, HR
(excluding Canteen), Purchase, Security,
Vigilance, wherein they will not be working
on/with Machines, Tools etc
Elisa HIV I & II Testing are recommended for all
candidates with consent. A written consent /
undertaking will be obtained from the candidate
before administering the test (Appendix-I).
Depending on the nature of jobs to be performed
by the candidate / the post to which the
candidate is selected, acceptance or rejection
will be decided. Personnel who are HIV +’ve
would be fit for appointment only to such
Departments / Areas of work where there is no
risk involved towards the health of themselves
and others viz in Departments like Design,
Planning, Marketing, IT, MS, Finance, HR
(excluding Canteen), Purchase, Security,
Vigilance, wherein they will not be working
on/with Machines, Tools etc
4 Skin
Retinal Detachment
Macular Degeneration
Retinitis Pigmentosa
There should not be any abnormality congenital
or acquired. There should not be any significant
functional or structural abnormality of the
circulatory system. ECG should be mandatory.
There should not be any abnormality congenital
or acquired. There should not be any significant
functional or structural abnormality of the
circulatory system. ECG should be mandatory.
Blood pressure less than 140/90 with or without
drugs & no target organ damage can be
Candidates with newly detected high BP or
uncontrolled hypertension will be made
temporarily UNFIT (minimum 1 month) for
confirmation of hypertension and control of BP.
If BP is still high , will be rejected.
Blood pressure less than 140/90 with or without
drugs & no target organ damage can be
Candidates with newly detected high BP or
uncontrolled hypertension will be made
temporarily UNFIT (minimum 1 month) for
confirmation of hypertension and control of BP. If
BP is still high will be rejected.
All cases of Cardiomegally should be evaluated
thoroughly & cardiologist opinion to be taken.
Cases with poor LV Function (Less than 50%)
will be rejected.
All cases of Cardiomegally should be evaluated
thoroughly & cardiologist opinion to be taken.
Cases with poor LV Function ( Less than 50%)
will be rejected.
D Rheumatic Heart diseases & other valvular
diseases are not to be accepted.
Rheumatic Heart diseases & other valvular
diseases are not to be accepted.
All cases need to be investigated in the form of
ECG, 2D Echo. Mitral Regurgitation, AF,
Infective endocarditis to be ruled out before
considering medical fitness. Mitral Regurgitation
,AF, Infective Endocarditis will be rejected.
All cases need to be investigated in the form of
ECG, 2D Echo. Mitral Regurgitation, AF,
Infective endocarditis to be ruled out before
considering medical fitness. Mitral Regurgitation,
AF, Infective Endocarditis will be rejected.
Acceptable after surgical correction. Small ASD
for which surgical correction is not advised is
also acceptable with cardiologist opinion.
Acceptable after surgical correction. Small ASD
for which surgical correction is not advised is
also acceptable with cardiologist opinion.
Acceptable after surgical correction. Small VSD
for which surgical correction is not advised is
also acceptable with cardiologist opinion.
Acceptable after surgical correction. Small VSD
for which surgical correction is not advised is
also acceptable with cardiologist opinion.
H Acceptable after surgical correction Acceptable after surgical correction
I Before accepting to be evaluated by cardiologist Before accepting to be evaluated by cardiologist
J Sinus arrhythmia may be accepted. Sinus arrhythmia may be accepted.
PVC more than 5 / minute, in pairs or multifocal,
AF, RBBB & LBBB should be evaluated and
cardiologist opinion to be taken for fitness.
Poor LV Function ( Less than 50%) will be
PVC more than 5 / minute, in pairs or multifocal,
AF, RBBB & LBBB should be evaluated and
cardiologist opinion to be taken for fitness.
Poor LV Function (Less than 50%) will be
All cardiac murmurs to be evaluated and opinion
of cardiologist to be taken for Medical fitness.
Established Valvular Heart Disease to be
All cardiac murmurs to be evaluated and opinion
of cardiologist to be taken for Medical fitness.
Established Valvular Heart Disease to be
IHD, angioplasty/ CABG cases should be
evaluated and can be taken after cardiologist
opinion. If cardiac functions are normal , will be
IHD, angioplasty/ CABG cases should be
evaluated and can be taken after cardiologist
opinion. If cardiac functons are normal, will be
Sinus Arrhythmias
Isolated Dextrocardia
General Exam
Rh. Heart Disease
Cardio Vascular System
Blood Pressure
Heart size
Other conduction
a) Bronchial asthma with normal- pulmonary
functions accepted.
a) Bronchial asthma with normal- pulmonary
functions accepted.
b) Acute Pulmonary Tuberculosis is temporarily
unfit. Will be reviewed after completion of 6
months treatment without any further extension.
Fit if:
– has completed specified treatment.
– 3 successive sputum tests are negative for
– Serial CXR – PA should show improvements.
b) Acute Pulmonary Tuberculosis is temporarily
unfit. Will be reviewed after completion of 6
months treatment without any further extension.
Fit if:
– has completed specified treatment.
– 3 successive sputum tests are negative for
– Serial CXR – PA should show improvements.
c) Significant Lungs cysts should be accepted
after successful surgery.
c) Significant Lungs cysts should be accepted
after successful surgery.
d) Cases of Bronchiectasis with good respiratory
reserve can be considered for employment.
d) Cases of Bronchiectasis with good respiratory
reserve can be considered for employment.
e) Cases of COPD is unfit for employment. e) Cases of COPD is unfit for employment.
a) Organomegaly, abdominal masses should be
investigated before employment. Gall bladder
polyps to be operated before appointment.
Multiple gall stones if found, should be operated
before appointment.
Organomegaly, abdominal masses should be
investigated before employment. Gall bladder
polyps to be operated before appointment.
Multiple gall stones if found, should be operated
before appointment.
b) All hernias, Hydrocoele, fistula in Ano,
Hemorrhoids, Varicocele undescended testes,
pilonidal sinus should be surgically corrected
before appointment.
b) All hernias, Hydrocoele, fistula in Ano,
Hemorrhoids, Varicocele undescended testes,
pilonidal sinus should be surgically corrected
before appointment.
c) Any palpable lymph node to be biopsied &
fitness to be decided after the biopsy report.
c) Any palpable lymph node to be biopsied &
fitness to be decided after the biopsy report.
d) Varicose veins without complication can be
accepted after surgeon’s opinion. If surgery is
advised then will be accepted after surgery.
d) Varicose veins without complication can be
accepted after surgeon’s opinion. If surgery is
advised then will be accepted after surgery.
e) Chronic Pancreatitis, Chronic Hepatitis,
Cirrhosis of Liver and Liver transplants to be
e) Chronic Pancreatitis, Chronic Hepatitis,
Cirrhosis of Liver and Liver transplants to be
f) Cause for major abdominal surgeries and
present status should be evaluated before
Malignancies detected after surgery to be
f) Cause for major abdominal surgeries and
present status should be evaluated before
Malignancies detected after surgery to be
a) Phimosis & Paraphimosis/ Hypospadiasis to
be accepted after surgical correction at the
expense of the candidate.
a) Phimosis & Paraphimosis/ Hypospadiasis to
be accepted after surgical correction at the
expense of the candidate.
b) Testicular mass proved due to malignancy
should be rejected
b) Testicular mass proved due to malignancy
should be rejected
c) Renal stones of above 4mm can be accepted
after treatment/Lithotripsy provided renal
functions are proved normal by USG/other test
c) Renal stones of above 4mm can be accepted
after treatment/Lithotripsy provided renal
functions are proved normal by USG/other test.
9 Genito Urinary
8 Abdomen
7 Respiratory System
d) Mobile kidney/single kidney/Horse shoe
shaped kidney can be accepted, after thoroughly
investigating by Isotope scan and other relevant
tests and after urologist’s opinion.
d) Mobile kidney/single kidney/Horse shoe
shaped kidney can be accepted, after thoroughly
investigating by Isotope scan and other relevant
tests and after urologist’s opinion.
e) Poly cystic kidney to be rejected e) Poly cystic kidney to be rejected
f) All Genito urinary infections can be accepted
after treatment.
f) All Genito urinary infections can be accepted
after treatment.
g) Cases of Renal Transplant may be rejected in
the event a Medical Examination Report
suggests that the condition is unfit to render
g) Cases of Renal Transplant may be rejected in
the event a Medical Examination Report
suggests that the condition is unfit to render
10 Any Lump in the Breast to be operated before
joining & malignancy to be excluded.
Any Lump in the Breast to be operated before
joining & malignancy to be excluded.
11 HBsAg (Australian Antigen) + ve, without
complication may be accepted.
HBsAg (Australian Antigen) + ve, without
complication may be accepted.
It should be Normal & abnormality to be
evaluated thoroughly before appointment
It should be Normal & abnormality to be
evaluated thoroughly before appointment
Candidate with Nystagmus should be evaluated
by a competent neuorologist for fitness of the
specific job.
Candidate with Nystagmus should be evaluated
by a competent neuorologist for fitness of the
specific job.
Should be Normal Should be Normal
a) Candidates should not be suffering from
chronic neurological diseases however,
congenital facial palsy is accepted.
a) Candidates should not be suffering from
chronic neurological diseases however,
congenital facial palsy is accepted.
b) Epilepsy Candidates under regular treatment
may be accepted only for desk jobs.
b) Epilepsy Candidates under regular treatment
may be accepted only for desk jobs.
Only progressive musucloskeletal disorders
should be considered as disqualification. Nonprogressive congenital abnormality should be
evaluated by neurologist before fitness for the
specific job.
Only progressive musucloskeletal disorders
should be considered as disqualification. Nonprogressive congenital abnormality should be
evaluated by neurologist before fitness for the
specific job.
Muscular dystrophies can be considered under
physically handicapped quota.
Muscular dystrophies can be considered under
physically handicapped quota.
a) Fibroid uterus, Ovarian cyst should be
removed before appointment, if symptomatic &
clinically significant.
a) Fibroid uterus, Ovarian cyst should be
removed before appointment, if symptomatic &
clinically significant.
b)Pregnant women shall not be appointed till the
confinement is over. They can be made fit any
time after six weeks, but not later that six months
from the date of delivery.
b)Pregnant women shall not be appointed till the
confinement is over. They can be made fit any
time after six weeks, but not later that six months
from the date of delivery.
c) Married female candidates of reporductive
age should undergo pregnancy test and
Utrasound Sonography of Abdomen and Pelvis
prior to the actual date of joining, if there is a
time gap of one month or more from the date of
pre-medical examination and actual date of
c) Married female candidates of reporductive
age should undergo pregnancy test and
Utrasound Sonography of Abdomen and Pelvis
prior to the actual date of joining, if there is a
time gap of one month or more from the date of
pre-medical examination and actual date of
Breast (Shifted from
Speech / Gait
Nervous System
C Motor system
HBsAg positive cases
14 Gynaecology
Genito Urinary
Schizophrenia, paranoid disorder, alcohol
dependence, Presenile Dementia & Drug
addicts are not suitable.
Schizophrenia, paranoid disorder, alcohol
dependence, Presenile Dementia & Drug addicts
are not suitable.
If blood sugar level, HbA1C are normal with or
without treatment and no target organ damage
can be accepted.
If blood sugar level, HbA1C are normal with or
without treatment and no target organ damage
can be accepted.
Can be considered if under control with drug
therapy and there are no complications proved
by investigation. If initial thyroid function is
abnormal they are temporally unfit (minimum 6
wks) and can be made fit, if thyroid functions are
normal after treatment.
Can be considered if under control with drug
therapy and there are no complications proved
by investigation. If initial thyroid function is
abnormal they are temporally unfit (minimum 6
wks) and can be made fit, if thyroid functions are
normal after treatment.
Cases of goiter to be evaluated fully & cases of
Hypothyrodism can be considered if good
control with drug therapy & there are no
complications proved by investigations.
Cases of goiter to be evaluated fully & cases of
Hypothyrodism can be considered if good control
with drug therapy & there are no complications
proved by investigations.
Acromegaly cases unsuitable for employment Acromegaly cases unsuitable for employment
It should be considered as Unfit for employment.
All pre malignant conditions should be
thoroughly investigated before giving fitness.
They should be biopsied and if found premalignant should be treated accordingly and will
be reviewed after 3 months. If biopsy reveals
malignancy to be rejected.
It should be considered as Unfit for employment.
All pre malignant conditions should be
thoroughly investigated before giving fitness.
They should be biopsied and if found premalignant should be treated accordingly and will
be reviewed after 3 months. If biopsy reveals
malignancy to be rejected.
Note: (a). Wherever time is not specified for re-evaluation, the same will be done within a maximum period of 3 months
from the original date of examination, wherein the candidate was declared temporarily unfit.
(b). As far as possible, specialist / super specialist opinion to be taken from empanelled hospitals , where the expertise is
not available internally.
Endocrine System
Goiter &
Diabetes Mellitus
Malignancy/ Cancer
Appendix I of Annexure U1
Date : _____________
Ms/Mrs/Mr. _________________
The Chief of Medical Services
M/s Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd,
________________ Division/Office
Sub: Pre-Employment Medical Examination – Elisa HIV I & II Test
I, Ms/Mrs/Mr ________________________________________________,
have been issued with the Provisional Offer of Appointment vide letter
No.__________________________________ dated _____________, for the
post of ________________________________ (Grade/Scale___/MT/DT/Tenure
Basis) in HAL, ________________________________ Division/Office. I
understand that as per the Company rules, I am required to undergo PreEmployment Medical Examination in the HAL Hospital. I also understand that the
final Offer of Appointment will be issued to me subject to my Medical fitness as
per the standards prescribed by the Company.
2. During the process of medical examination I have no objection for
undergoing the Elisa HIV I & II Test. I understand that consideration of my
candidature in the Company is linked to the post for which I have been issued
the Provisional Offer of Appointment and my medical fitness for the post as per
the standards laid down by the Company.
3. I further undertake that I would not raise any dispute with regard to the
procedure followed for the Pre-Employment Medical Examination by the
Thanking you,
Name: ____________________
List of Mandatory Investigations
1. Hemoglobin %
2. Total Leucocyte count (TLC & DLC)
3. Blood Grouping & RH typing
4. Fasting Blood Sugar (BSL – FBS & PPBS)
5. Blood Urea
6. Serum Creatinine
7. HBsAg
8. HIV – I & II
9. Urine – Routine & Microscopic
10. Electro Cardio Gram (ECG)
11. X-ray Chest (PA view)
12. BT CT
13. PBS (Peripheral Blood Smear)
14. Urine for Pregnancy Test
15. Ultrasound Abdomen and pelvis

Official Notification Click Here
Closing Date 15/12/2023

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